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Before beginning this discussion, read the Marketing in Action Case: Real Choices at Chobani on page 248 of your textbook.

Before beginning this discussion, read the Marketing in Action Case: Real Choices at Chobani on page 248 of your textbook.

Chobani’s history has included its successful offering of a variety of single-serving packages of fruit flavored Greek yogurt. The Chief Marketing and Brand Officer of this company stated, “We want to inspire customers to eat yogurt throughout the day, and increase per-capita consumption.” Looking at social-cultural trends, Chobani desires to be innovative and wish to begin to develop and offer a wider product mix.

What are your thoughts about new product development at Chobani? How will it convince customers that their new products belong in their refrigerators? What factors are important in understanding Chobani’s position in the marketplace and efforts to expand its product mix and lines?

After you have read through the entire case study, post your responses to each of the questions below. For your answer to the third question, you should include a full discussion of at least two possible alternatives. For your response to the fourth and fifth question, respond as those you are the marketing manager of this company.

  1. What is the decision facing Chobani?
  2. What factors are important in understanding this decision situation?
  3. What are the possible alternatives? Fully describe at least two.
  4. Pretend you are the marketing manager at Chobani. What decision(s) do you recommend?
  5. What are some ways to implement your recommendation?
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