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Before completing this assignment, be sure to read the selections in The Thousand and One Nights" in the textbook from the prologue to "The Story of the Fisherman and the Demon" (pages 597-627), along
Before completing this assignment, be sure to read the selections in The Thousand and One Nights" in the textbook from the prologue to "The Story of the Fisherman and the Demon" (pages 597-627), along with the headnote to the work.
Prompts (choose one):
- Pick one of the following terms and and in 3-5 sentences, define, explain, or show the significance of the term:
- Alf Layla Wa-Layla
- Frame story
- Jinn
- Shahrazad (think historically and as a hero)
- Influence of The Thousand and One Nights culturally
- How would you characterize King Shahrayar? How is the king described when he is first mentioned in the work?
- Both Shahrayar and Shahzaman are appalled by the actions of their wives (and concubines). Should we be as well?
- At the end of the prologue, we are told: "When supper came, [King Shahzamman] ate and drank with relish and zest and, feeling better, kept eating and drinking, enjoying himself and feeling happy. He thought to himself, "I am no longer alone in my misery; I am well." Discuss the context of the scene and comment on why Shahzaman is no longer losing weight, growing thin, and becoming pale.
- Who is the better story teller, Shahrazad or her father? Who is better at convincing the audience? Is the fault in the tales or the tellers?
- Why does Shahrazad tell these tales to King Shahrayar? Comment on the sue of these tales as a framing device.
- What does Shahrazad say to King Shahrayar after each tale to postpone her death? Does this sound too formulaic? Why might each tale leave off with Shahrazad and King Shahrayar basically exchanging the same words?
- Most readers are familiar with the frame-narrative style of The Thousand and One Nights: Shahrazad tells the stories each night to King Shahrayar. Some of the tales involve frames within this frame. Cite at least one specific example and comment on the effect of the framing devices.
- How are women portrayed in the stories of The Thousand and One Nights? Does "good daughters/bad wives" about cover it? What are we to make of that?
- How is poetry used within the narratives of the tales (you may need to read additional selections to answer this prompt).
- @
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********** ******* ************************* *** **** the significance of *** term *** ***** *********** ******** *** One ****** is * ********** of Middle Eastern folk ***** **** ******* ******* ******** and *** ********* narrated ** * ***** *** a cruel ***** ********* *** ***** ** *********** ** *** ** the most ****** *********** ** ****** literature *** *** **** ********** **** many ********* ** ** **** ******* *** *** ********* on Western literature particularly ** the work ** Edgar ***** PoeHow ***** *** ************ King Shahrayar?King Shahrayar ** a cruel ***** *** imprisons *** wife *** kills *** ***** *** tells *** * ***** ** ** **** *** **** ** the ***** who ** ***** ** *** ***** ** ************* ********* ** first ********* ** his work as * ***** ***** who ********* *** wife *** **** ** so ******* with *** ****** story **** ** ******* her and **** *** ******* ************ ** *** ****** ******* ** **** **** **** that ** ** *** ******** ***** *** can ******* The ****** ****** ** heart ******* **** ** ** * ******* ********* capable of ******* and ************** ********* *** **** ***** *** ******** ** the actions ** ***** wives **** concubines) ****** we ** ** ******* ** ****** *** ** ** ******** ** the ******* ** ********* *** Shah zaman’s ***** ** they *** ***** ***** actions may *** be ideal ** should not ***** **** ** ******* ** *** kings ** **** ***** **** that ***** *** capable ** great ******** and ***** **** when men ******* **** *** **** ******** *** change ****** *** ******* *** *** ************* the ******* ** *** ***** *** ******* ** *** **** zaman ** ** ****** losing ****** growing thin *** becoming ******** Shah ***** is ** ****** losing weight ******* **** *** ******** **** ******* ** has ***** companionship in *** ****** He ** *** ***** because ** ** no longer ***** in his suffering *** scene's ******* ** that **** ***** *** **** **** ******** **** his ******* ********* The two had been ********* *** **** ***** *** **** *** ***** each ***** again **** ***** ** ***** ******* ** *** someone ** ***** *** **** **** **** ***** **** that ************* ** vital ** ***** ** suffering ** **** **** **** accounts *** ****** ****** *** ******* *** *** betterWho ** *** ****** *********** ********* ** *** father? **** **************** ** * ****** storyteller ******* *** is more creative and *** ******* *** **** ********** *** ******** ******* are often **** *** lack ******************** is **** ****** ** captivating *** ******** *** ******* them ******* **** ** likely because she ** a ******* performer *** *********** On the other hand *** ****** ***** ** **** engaging *** ***** lose *** audience's ************ is ****** ** ********** *** ******** ** ***** *************** is better ** ********** *** ******** ** *** point because *** is **** ********** *** *** ********* are ******* *** ******** arguments are ***** **** *** **** evidence Shahrazad is **** ****** ** using ********* appeals ** convince *** ******** **** ** likely because *** ** **** *********** ** ******* **** people *** ***** *** ** manipulate ***** ******** ** *** other **** her father is not ** ******* ** **** **** *** ***** ***** ****** ** **** *** *************** *** ***** in the ***** or *** *********** ***** is in *** ***** ******* **** *** ***** **** *** **** *********** *** tellers *** ***** ** ***** ******* they are *** skilled ************ *** stories ***** ** the fault because **** *** ******* set ** * ********** ******* **** *** **** them difficult for ****** ********* ** relate ** Another ****** ** **** **** ***** ******* *********** ******** such as magical ********* or ******* animals **** *** **** the stories seem ******** ** ************* **** ********* **** ***** tales ** **** Shahrayar?Shahrazad ***** ***** ***** ** **** Shahrayar because *** is trying to save ******* *** *** ****** from ********* Shahrazad ***** **** *** **** ** * ***** ***** who ***** his ***** ***** **** **** *** * ***** ** *** hopes that ** ******* *** ***** *** *** change *** ***** *** ******** *** ** spare *** **** ********* ** **** ****** ** **** *** ******* from *** ****** ********** rule *** ***** **** *** **** is a just and **** ***** but *** **** ***** *** ******** easily **** *** *** hopes **** *** can ******** *** ** ** more lenient **** his ****** ** ******* *** ******* ********* 2022)Comment ** *** ***** ** these ***** ** * ******* ********* ***** **** these tales as ******* ******* ** **** they are often **** ** justify *** *********** ******* For example ** *** ********* and *** ***** story *** demon ********* *** ******* ** ****** he **** ******* the *********** wishes ** the ***** ** ********* *** ********* ********* ********* *** ******* ** ****** **** *** is ****** to **** *** life and *** ******* This ***** is *********** ******* ** *** make *** ******* seem ******* ambiguous It can **** **** *** ********** **** **** **** *** not *********** *** their ************ **** **** **** **** Shahrazad *** ** King ********* ** ******** her death?Shahrazad always **** ** **** Shahrayar *** *** ***** my life I will **** *** ******* story tomorrow" *** **** **** ******* *** ***** ** save ******* *** *** ****** **** ********* ********* ***** **** *** **** ** * ***** ***** *** kills his ***** ***** **** **** *** a ***** so *** ***** **** by ******* *** tales she *** ****** *** heart *** ******** *** ** ***** *** **** ********* is also ****** ** save *** ******* **** *** ****** ********** rule She knows **** *** king ** * **** *** **** ***** *** *** also ***** *** ******** ****** sway *** *** ***** **** she can ******** *** ** ** **** lenient **** *** people ** telling *** stories **** ****** *** formulaic ******* ** ** a repeating ******* throughout the **** **** tale ***** leave **** ********* *** **** Shahrayar ********** *** ***** words because Shahrazad ** ****** to *** **** ** **** *** *** ********** ****** ********* ******* *** familiar with *** *************** ***** of The ******** *** *** ******* ********* tells *** stories **** ***** to King ********* **** ** *** ***** ******* ****** ****** this ***** Cite ** least *** ******** exampleOne ******** ******* of * ***** within the ***** ********* ** *** ******** and One ****** ** *** ***** ** **** ********* *** *** Jinni" ** this ***** *** ***** ****** *** Fisherman three ****** in exchange *** *** ******* The *********** **** **** **** for three **** wishes *** *** ***** ***** them However *** *********** ****** ***** **** ** for *** ***** ** **** *** ******* *** ***** ****** *** wish *** ******* ***** **** ***** *** ********* (Soltan 2022)The ****** of the ******* ******* ** ** ****** a ***** of ******** *** ************ *** *** reader The ****** constantly ******* **** **** ****** next *** how *** story **** *** Using ***** ********** **** ****** the author ** ******* ******* ******** ****** *** ****** ***** **** ***** the work richness *** ***** that ***** be ******* ** ** *** **** * single ******** are women ********* in *** ******* ** *** ******** *** *** ********* women in *** ********* and ********** ***** are often ********* ** beautiful *** ********* They are ***** ********** **** magic *** **** being **** ** ******* *** *** ** ***** ***** ***** **** ***** *** *** ***** power *** **** others use ** *** ******* ********* ** women ** *** ******** *** One ****** ******** *** views ** ****** culture at the **** **** *** ******* **** ******* Women **** ***** **** ** subordinate ** *** *** their societal role was ********* limited to ***** ***** *** ******* (Al-Shawi ***** However *** ******* **** show that women can ** strong *** independent and *** their power ** **** others The portrayal of ***** ** *** ******** and *** ****** is both positive *** ******** On *** *** **** ***** *** shown ** ** capable ** ***** ****** and independent On *** other **** they *** often associated with magic *** with being able ** ******* the *** in ***** ******** ** ****** used ****** *** ********** of *** ************ ** **** *********** within *** ********** ** *** ***** In some cases ** **** ****** and ***** to the ***** ** ***** cases ** is **** to convey *** characters' ******** *** use ** ****** ****** *** ***** ****** *** ****** ** *** another ***** ** meaning to *** ******* ******* ***** ***** 2021) *** ***** ***** get *** ******** *** ******** of *** ********** in * *** **** is **** ******** **** prose The *** of poetry **** **** ** the ******* ****** ** *** work *** ***** ***** **** * ******* ******* that makes *** work **** enjoyable to ********************** H * * (2022) ************ ** the Abbasid *** *** **** ** *** Thousand *** *** ****** ** * ***** **** ******* FOR ********** LINGUISTICS *** ****** ******** **** **************** * * * ****** *** Book **** ******** *** *** ******* ** * ***** ** Orientalist *** ****** *** ********** *** Twentieth ******* Historical ******* ************ * (2022) *** Thousand *** *** ******* **** *** *** to *** Only ************** ******* ***** ******* ***** 267-282Borges * L & Allen * ****** *** translators of *** thousand *** *** ****** ** The translation studies ****** *** 122-136) RoutledgeSoltan * (2022) Motivated ************* ************* and *** Thousand *** One Nights postmedieval ****