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Bio statistics quiz

Use the following technology display from a Two-Way ANOVA to answer this question. Biologists studying habitat use in Lepidopteran moths measured the number of savannah moths found at three randomly selected prairie sites with two potential habitat interferences (expansion of row crops and grazing). Use a .05 significance level.  

 What is the value of the F test statistic for the habitat effect? (Points : 0.5)

       True        False 

Scientists, researching large woody debris (LWD), surveyed the number of LWD pieces from aerial photos taken annually for the past 35 years at two different sites. Over the 35 years of photos examined, the first site had a mean number of LWD pieces per hectare per year (LWD/ha/yr) of 3.7 pieces with a standard deviation of 1.9. The second site had a mean number of LWD/ha/yr of 4.3 with a standard deviation of 2.4. Assume a .05 significance level for testing the claim that the mean LWD/ha at the first site had less than the mean LWD/ha/yr at the second site. Also, assume the two samples are independent simple random samples selected from normally distributed populations, but do not assume that the population standard deviations are equal. Find the t test statistic. Give your answer with two decimals, e.g., 9.87 (Points : 0.5)

Medical researchers reviewing the risk of death for elderly patients taking dementia drugs found the following data. Assume a .05 significance level for testing the claim that the proportions are not equal. Also, assume the two simple random samples are independent and that the conditions np ≥ 5 and nq ≥ 5 are satisfied.  

 Find the z test statistic. Give your answer with two decimals, e.g., 9.87 . (Points : 0.5)

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