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Business 599 wk 6 assignment

Please read all instructions and include all balance sheets and necessary papers needed to complete assignment and requirements.

Economic Summary Report

Write a five- to six-page economic summary report (not including the title page) that presents the economic viability of the Lemonade Stand Business. As part of your report include an Income & Expense report and Balance Sheet. Also include all appropriate ratios.

Your paper must be formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Focus of the Summary Project

The report should focus on the interpretation of the accounting information (see Week Two), financial analysis (see Week Four), or economic opportunities (see Week Six).  Each report should include an updated income statement and balance sheet (plus other financial statements as appropriate).  The financial statements should be prepared in Excel and copied and pasted either into the main text of the report or into an appendix.  Your financial reports should be in the same format as the sample reports.   

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