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Business Essay

Research a company that has been in the news due to a consumer protection (see chapter 23, page 658, Dodd-Frank) or antitrust (see chapter 24 page 699 anti-trust laws) problem. Clearly define and evaluate three legal concepts that were discussed in the text and that apply to the company. Identify the ethical dilemma that the scenario presents and evaluate two ethical frameworks that applied to management's decisions. (**Note** The three ethical frameworks are; Consequential, Deontological and Humanist) Reflect on the class discussions and the articles that you have read during the class and use the information, and other academic sources to write a 2500- 3000 word essay critiquing the company, its operations, and the ethical dilemma it caused. Use at least seven credible sources for your essay, including at least two sources from the University library. Proper citation and references in APA 6th ed. format are required.

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