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Business paper due on Sun.

***  LEADER VALUES - HISTORICAL FIGURE PAPER      (20 points)    Go to the following website   http://www.leader-values.com,  and look for the Online Self Assessment icon in Red, midway down the page, on the left side of the page. Follow the instructions for a short self assessment of your organization, your ability to lead, and your relationships with others in an organization. If you haven't worked in business, or you have been out of the paid work force, then just imagine how you might think based on your life experiences.  These can be leadership experiences you had in your family, church, school clubs, or social life with friends. You may print your results by selecting the text, take notes from your results page, or save the whole page to your computer for later reference about your abilities to Envision, Enable, Empower, and Energize others. Think about your scores and the short paragraphs describing your results.    Then go to the individual descriptions of the different Historical Leaders listed under Featured Leaders on the top task bar. Read as many of the descriptions as you have time for, then decide which leader you identify with the most. Tell me why you feel this way. In what ways do you and this person from history think or act alike? Is there a relationship between your test scores and the leader you chose? Be sure to mention your test scores.               Examples of good papers.

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