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Businesses, whether large or small, often operate as if it will never be subjected to a major disaster. While these businesses may have plans in place, they often do not have adequate planning policie

Businesses, whether large or small, often operate as if it will never be subjected to a major disaster. While these businesses may have plans in place, they often do not have adequate planning policies and practices based on developed from scenarios that are based on its operation practices, business models, and its social impact on the community. Consider the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill that occurred on April 20, 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico. Was this an unpreventable incident, or did BP fail to implement enough safeguards to minimize this incident from occurring? Could BP’s corporate culture have played a part in the incident occurring? Which aspect contingency planning process came up short, the IR, BP, CP or a combination of a few. What benefits, if any, would have been gained if BP had developed such a plan you have proposed? Consider environmental impact and the risk of human life that occurred as a result of this incident? Did the company do enough to rectify the damage that was done to both? If you were responsible for BP business continuity and disaster recovery planning, what would you have done differently? Why do you believe that your direction would have worked?

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