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Busn 120.6 Write a formal, 6 - 10 page APA research paper on the housing market crash and where we stand today. The paper should describe the scope and principal features of the field of study (such a

Busn 120.6

Write a formal, 6 - 10 page APA research paper on the housing market crash and where we stand today. The paper should describe the scope and principal features of the field of study (such as Real Estate Broker, Agent, Appraiser, etc.), citing core theories and practices, and offer a similar explication of a related field. This means, explain how the perspective you chose relates to the field of Real Estate in general and the other areas within Real Estate.

You may write your paper from any number of perspectives:

-Appraisers and their job or role

-The lending market

-Generational effects on the housing market

-A career as a broker or sales agent or other careers in Real Estate

-Land use

-The government's role in Real Estate

-Laws that will affect Real Estate

-Other subjects that may have affected the history and today's situations in the Real Estate Market

A minimum of three references are required. 

Style Guidelines for the paper:

  • Use a header on every page, including the title page. The header should be formatted according to APA guidelines.
  • A title page with the title, author, class, class section, professor, and date should be on the title page, centered on the page. This title page does NOT count toward your 6 to 10 page requirement.
  • Margins are one inch on all sides.
  • All content is double-spaced and left-justified.
  • Indent the first line of every paragraph five spaces or use the TAB key.
  • Do NOT leave extra space between paragraphs.
  • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
  • An Executive Summary is required.
  • References must be a separate page at the end of the paper.
  • Use APA style guidelines for the paper, including all references and other writing.
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******************************************************************************************************************** ***** **** ** ******** *** answer/ Understanding *** ******* ****** Crash *** ******* Real Estate **************** **************************** SummaryThe ***** and *** ******** ** the **** estate study ***** *** *********** ** **** ******** paper examines *** ******* ****** meltdown *** *** current ********* The ********** of ********** and ***** ******** *** **** market *** ****** ** ************ *********** ** *** housing ****** *** *** ************ involvement ** **** ****** *** *** ******** ** *** paper *** study ********** *********** ******** ********* *** their implications *** the ****** **** estate market ** ******* ** these ***** *** *********** vital **** ** ************ ******** ********** *** their ******* ** the ****** are ******* ** ****** ** *** section ** appraisers ** ********* *** ********** **** ***** difficulties *** how they interact **** ***** real ****** ******* *** ****** looks ** *** ****** business *** **** it ***** *** *** real ****** ******** breakdown ******* ** ** the practices **** **** *** emergency *** the ******* ********** keep away **** a ******** ********** **** ******* ages' ************ *** ********* ************* **** for land drifts *** ******* looks ** *** ************ ******* on *** real estate ****** It ***** ** how *** ***** ** ******** ******* *** *** * ****** ** **************** *** Age Z **** ******** ******* ******** *** development *** ***** **** discusses *** *** ********** ********** the real ****** ****** ************* on laws *** rules **** ****** *** ****** It ******** ********** *********** ** *** housing ****** meltdown *** efforts to ********* *** ****** ** ********* *** ************ ** **** *** ******** ** *********** *** **** ****** landscape ** further ******** ** *** ***** The study ***** ** laws ********* **** housing laws ****** **** and *** laws that **** ******** *** ******* *** ******* state ** *** **** ****** ****** It ********* *** ***** ***** ****** ****** ******** **** ****** transactions and ************************ 2008 ******* ****** collapse *** ******** ************* that ****** *** *********** ** the **** ****** sector and *** ****** ******* **** ******** ***** examines *** ******* ********** collapse and ********* how *** **** ****** market ** doing *** ********** ** ********** *** ***** ******** *** loan market *** ****** ** ************ differences on the housing market and *** ************ *********** ** **** estate **** *** be ******* By ********** these views we *** ********** *** *********** ******** and ********* **** support *** **** ****** ******** and *** **** ********* within ** *** ***************** ***** *** main *************** of *** topic ** ***** will ** covered ** *** ******* paragraphs ***** **** ** ******** of real ****** ******* ****** ********** *** ***** ********* *********** It **** *** **** *** *********** ********** *** practices **** ******** their responsibilities *** ***** within *** sector *** paper **** ******* a comparable *********** ** * ******* ***** ** ********* how *** ******** ********* ** ********* ** the ****** real estate ***** *** *** ** ******* other business divisions **** study ***** ******* ** ********** ** a ****** knowledge ** *** **** estate market *** ************ *** *** potential *** ****** and stability ** thoroughly examining *** housing ****** ****** *** *** ******* status **** ******** **************** *** ***** *** or ****** *** real ****** ****** land ********** ****** an ********* part ******* **** give unprejudiced *** *********** *********** ** * ********** ********** are ****** ********** ***** ******* influence **** ****** values mortgage ******* ******* ********** ******** *** *** ******** ********* ** determine * property's **** ****** value appraisers must ***** determine *** ******** **** ********* ****** ***** *** ****** ****** ***** ***** ****** They combine ********** ********** ******* ************ and ******** ** ****** ** an appropriate assessment ********** ****** ** *********** principles and ********* ** their ***** *** *********** ** the **** *********** *** best use ** *** of *** ******* thoughts they maintain *** **** thought * ********** ********** ** ******** when used ** ***** *** ******** ****** ********** with *** ********* purposes ********** **** * ****** comprehension of ******* ******* examination ********** *** administrative *********** to handle ***** **************** competently They ***** to ******** know ***** ******* ** drafting ********** ********* patterns or ********** ******* **** *** affect ******** *************** **** ******* with ***** **** ****** professionals **** ******* ****** lenders *** ********** They **** crucial *********** ** make ************* ********* on **** estate ************ ******** ********* ********** strategies *** **** *** ******** ********** *** ********* ** preserving market ********* *** ******** **** ******** ** the more *********** **** estate ****** **** ****** *** *********** ** *********** ******* ** ********* ******* practices ** ********** *** overvaluation or ************** of ********** **** ** ** ***** *** ******** the loan market ******* ********** and ***** fundamental ************** ******* ******* *** appraisals ** ********* *** ************* ***** and ******** *** **** ** a ******** *********** ** ********** ***** a ******** piece ** ********* **** **** ******* in making ******** ********* about lending ********* *** ******** underwriting *************** lending marketThe ******* ****** ** vital ** ******* ******* it offers people and ************ the ***** **** **** ** *** **** ****** *** ******* market includes * ******* ** ********* entities that provide ***** *** **** ****** ************ ********* ***** ****** ****** and ******** ******* *** ****** ** risk *** return ** *** *********** ********** **** guides *** ******* ******** ******* ******* *** **** ******** ** ****** loans by *********** ********* **** ** the ********** **************** income stability *** *** ********** value **** try ** ******* ******** potential risks ** ***** ********* ********** **** ********** attractive ******** ***** ** draw in *********** *** property industry ******* ******** *** ***** *** essential *** ******* rules *** subprime ********* were ******** ** the ***** ********* the **** ******* market ******** These ******* *** ** * **** ** ********* ***** ******** house ****** and the ******** ****** ***** ************ reforms **** made to the lending ******** ********* stiffer ***** *** ****** ********** ** **** ************ ********** ******* institutions work ******* **** other **** ****** sector experts **** ******* ****** and ********** **** **** ** appraisals to determine the ************* ***** ** loan ********** ** ******* ********* and ******* *** ******* **** the documentation and negotiation ********* ******* *** ****** ********** *** loan *********** ******* ********** initiatives *** ******** ****** the **** ****** ********** organizations **** the ******** ********* Protection Bureau ****** and *** ******* ******* ***** **** *** *************** ** preserve *** lending market and ******* consumers ***** ***** ****** ******* ****** ********* ********* ************ *** **** ********* lending practicesGenerational Effects ** the housing ********* housing market ** significantly ******** ** ************ factors shaping trends and ********* ****** *** ****** dynamics *** ******* ****** ** ******** by the ******* ********* ********** *** ***** ** many generations all ** which *** ********* The **** ****** generation ** *** ********* ***** **** has ******** *** ******* ****** ***** ****** *** ************* houses ** ******** areas increased as they ******* *** housing ****** in ************ ******* * **** ** ******** *********** resulted from **** ************ predilection *** ****** ***** *** the ******** way of **** As the **** boomer ********** **** ***** ******* ************ shift ****** assisted living facilities ********** *********** and ********** bringing *** ************* *** difficulties ** *** ********* **** ****** ************ ********* ********** * encountered ********** ************ in *** ******* ****** During *** **** ******* ****** meltdown many *** **** ******* *** ****** ***** ******* ************* rates and ****** a ********** *** **** ********** ****** ******* ******* When ******** a ***** ** **** this generation ********** **** ******** *********** *** ********* balance ***** They **** ******** *** ******** ***** towards **** ****** ******* options ** demanding ***** living ********* ******** *** ******** ******* optionsThe millennial ************ ***** ***** ** ********* ***** ****** *** **** substantially ******** the ******** ****** *********** **** ******** challenges **** ****** **** **** a ******************** job ****** *** increased housing ***** These elements have *********** ** * ******* ****** *** ******** *** a ********** *** ******* or ***** ******* alternatives ************* ************** *** ************* ** ****** *** frequently ********** *** *********** which increases ****** for ****** apartments ********* ***** and ************* with ******* ** **** ********* ***** **** ***** *** ********* ** ********** * *** ****** ********** to ***** *** housing market is ***** ********** Early ***** ***** they ********** social ****** areas ************* ************** *** ********** *********** ***** housing preferences *** ***** will probably influence ****** ****** ****** *** *********** ********* ****** as * ****** or ***** agent ** ***** **** ** **** ******* real estate ****** ** ***** agent job ****** ****** ** **** in * *********** and fulfilling ***** Real estate ************* *** ********* ** facilitating **** ****** ************ ******* **** ***** ****** ******* *** investors ********** knowledge and ********* ** ********* their client’s interests ** real ****** ************ ******* *** sales ****** operate ** ********* between ****** *** ******* **** help ******* ** many **** including ******** search ***** negotiating *** documentation These ******* *************** **** *** neighborhood **** ****** ****** ********* ****** **** ********** *** ****** **** Strong interpersonal *********** *** ****** ********* are necessary for * job ** real ****** ** ****** ***** *** **** ** potential ****** ** sellers ******* *** ****** ********* ******** among ***** ******* and build ************* with **** They ********** work **** ***** ******* like appraisers bankers and attorneys ** ********** ****** ***************** **** estate *********** ******* brokers *** *********** ******* property managers ********** *** ******** ******** ******** ******* the ********** *** upkeep of rental ********** ** ****** tenant ************ and increase ******** value Real estate developers ****** ********** opportunities ******** **** and ********* the ******** ** *********** or commercial ********* Real ****** analysts ******* ****** ******** assess ********** prospects *** ***** perceptions ** ******* and ****** ****** trends (Siniak ** al ***** **** ****** ******* are ******** and **** *** ********* to ** financially ********* Real estate ****** *** ******* can work alone or ** a team ****** a ********* allowing *** **** ******* *** entrepreneurship Perseverance ********* education *** *********** ** ******** to ******** ****** ********** are ********* *** ******* ** *** ********* *********** use which ******** the ******** development and ********** ** ******** *** ******* purposes ** * ******* ********* of *** **** ****** sector ** ******* ******** *** **** should ***** ************ ***** while *********** environmental social and ******** ****** *** ******* *********** *** functionality of ****** towns *** ***** ***** *** impacted by land use ********* They ********* the ***** *********** ***** ******** *********** ********** factories ***** *** agricultural regions Planning *** **** *** entails *********** variables including ********** ********* *************** ***** transit ************** ************* preservation *** ********* ************** land *** ******** ******** *********** ******* various ******* ********* ************ institutions ********** ********* ************* *** ************* ************* ** ******** to ********* ********** *** promoting *********** *********** ** **** **** ** balance ********* ********* *** safeguard ******* ********* ****** ************ ************* ********* **** use ********** ****** **** define **** use classifications and ******* *** ***** of ********** **** *** ******* in various locations **** ******* ******* development ********* ****** ****** *** ****** ******** ************* *********** ***** business ***** ********** ***** and regions **** *** **** ***** ** *********** *** *** ** ********** ** ****** lawsLand use ********* ******* building ******* setbacks *** ******* ***** ***** *********** impact residents' ********** usability *** ******* ******* of **** Social and ******** ******* also ********* ********* ***** **** ***** ** ensure **** land ** **** ** * *** that ******** *** larger ********* and tackles ****** *** economic ********** **** *** address ******** ** ****** ************* *** *********** Communities *** ******* *********** growth build ******** ************* *** ********* natural ********* by *********** *********** land *** ******** ******** requirements *** ******** ************ thorough planning public *********** *** ******** ********** ** ********** ** *** ******* *** ********* *** ** land ********* **** ****** ************* developers *** *********** **** ********** *** concepts *** practices of land ****** ************** Role ** Real ********* ****** ********* ***** *** ****** into impact regulations *** ********** **** ************* ********* *** **** ******** ** shape *** ****** *** ********* *** ********* ** ********** ********* *** the ******* ********** The ********** regulates real estate ** various **** including ********* *********** ******** ********** land *** ******** ******* affordability *** land *** ******** ******** *** zoning *** **** *** is one ** *** **** ******** areas ** ***** *** ********** *** a *********** ********* Government ************* **** drafting ***** *** ********** ** control **** use *** *********** ***** rules **** ***** governments protect *** *********** ***** encouraging *********** **** *** *** ******** developmentOne **** ********* *********** ensuring ******* moderation is *** ******* ********** ** executes approaches and ******** to ******* ********** ******* accessibility ********** *** ******* families ** might ******* ****** ************ ****** motivations *** ********** lodging programs ** make ** ******* for *********** to *** ** top-caliber *************** ******* ******** protection is another essential ****** ** *** ************ **** ** real estate **** *** *********** **** **** ******* to protect ********* from ********* ******** discrimination *** unfair business ********* **** & ***** ***** **** exchanges *** ******** *** ******* ** ***** land ****** *** ************ like the ********* Monetary ******** Department ****** ***** ********* ***** ********** *** ****** ************* real ****** market ** ******** by ****************** ********* regulations *********** overseeing contract loaning financing ***** *** banking ********* ********* ****** ************* ********** *** ****** strength ********** ******** **** the Federal ******* and *** ******* ******* Finance ****** ****** keep ** *** ** *** ******* financial ************ ** keep *** housing ****** ******* *** stable *** ****** ********* also ***** *********** *** ********** ** advance ****** effectiveness *** ******** development ** *** land **** *** ********** encourages green ******** ****** ************ techniques *** ************ ******* *** ********** subsidies and ****** efficiency **************** that **** ****** **** ***************** ********* *** ****** ***** they lay *** legitimate ********** *** **** *********** ********** *** ********* Land *** ** affected ** neighborhood state *** ********** ***** and ********** about ********* ********** drafting **** ******* *** collection *** property freedoms * critical **** ** *** ********** **** ********** land is ******** ********** which oversees *** ********** and commitments of **** ****** ******** *********** ********** ********* the *** ********** *** ******** of ******** They ****** *** ******** *** *********** of agreements ** ****** *** ***** ********** *** real estate transactions ****** *** **** *** *********** have * *********** ****** ** **** ****** ** **** ****** *********** ***** ******** particular *********** commercial industrial *** ************ ***** control land *** ****** & ********** ***** ***** *********** ******* *** ********* **** *** ** ***** *** ***** sizes setbacks *** other *********** ************** ****** *********** **** be ******* ** ** preserve *** **************** character *** ********* **** **** ****** *********** ***** ******** ******** ********* ******* regulations ******** ********** in house ********* ***** regulations **** ********** ** ***** ** **** ******** religion ****** direction *********** *** ****** ********* They promote ********* *** inclusion in the real estate ******** while ******** ***** access ** ******* opportunities ************* regulations have * significant **** ** *** real estate ******** *** ********** Species *** ***** ***** *** *** Clean *** Act **** ******** ********* **** ********* ******* *** ******* ************* ****** *********** *** ******** ******** ** preserve ******* resources ** ** ******* to ***** ** ***** *********** to lessen ************* ***** *** ******* *********** *********** **** ****** ** also significantly ******** ** *** *** law *** financial ******* of ******** ********* ************ and *********** *** affected ** property ***** ******* ***** taxes *** *** incentives *** real estate investments Realtors and financial ******* ****** ********** *** ****** ** ****** ********** to **** **** their ******** **************** and boost ************ subjects **** *** have affected *** ******* *** today's situations ** the Real ****** ************* ********** ****** **** ********** *** past *** ******* ********* ** *** **** ****** ****** ** ******** ** those ******* ****** **** ****** ******* economic considerations technological developments ********** changes and ***** ****** ********* factors profoundly ****** *** housing ****** ******** ****** *** ******* ********* ** ***** ** **** extension influence ******** property estimations *** ******* decisions ******* ******* ********* ********* ********** ***** ******** confidence *** ******** ***** ********* **** ******** affordability *** * *** ** ********** progressions **** ******* the **** ******** Listings ********* *** ************ ** **** ****** **** *** ******* *** ** *** ************ *** online ************ ****** ******* visits ** imaging *** ****** ********** centers **** *** **** ** ******* for purchasers and ******* ** associate and ****** ******************* ******* such as *********** ** population **** *** distribution and ********* composition ****** the real estate ****** *** ******** *** ***** ********** *** ********* demand *** senior ***** *** ******** ****** facilities *** **** of *********** ** * *********** *********** ****** *** ******* ***** ****** *********** *** ************** ******* *** **** ****** ****** can be ************* ******** by ************* ****** as **** ************ ****** like trade **** ** ********* ****** *** ****** ********** ****** *** ******** ****** ******* ************ **** ********** or earthquakes can ***** ******** damage *** ******* ** ******* ************ and ******** trends ********* the **** ****** market ****** increasingly ******** *********** *** ************ ****** *********** home ********** and ******************** ************ ****** ********* **** ******* ********* *********** ********** housing and sustainable ********* influence **** ****** ****** *** procedures Industry ******* ********* *** *********** **** ********** these topics *** how **** ****** the real ****** ****** ************ may ***** ** ****** changes make ******** ********* and ******* * vibrant *** sustainable **** ****** market ** ************* *** ******** ************* demographic ****** and ****** ******** ********************* **** estate ****** is * ******* *** *********** sector affected ** ******* ********** *** ****** ** **** ******** * variety ** views ********** this ******** ***** ********* ***** ** ********** *** loan ****** ************ ******* **** ****** vocations land use the ************ participation regulations and ***** ****** Each ********* ****** insightful information ***** *** real ****** ********** *********** ******** ********** *** links ********** ************* influence ******** ********** ******* the ******* ****** influences access ** financing *** ****** stability ******* *********** and ****** *** ****** ** ************ factors ***** ****** ****** patterns **** ****** ************* *** **** ** ******* ***** ****** *** ******** ******** contribute ** *** ****** and selling ********** ********* about **** use impact *** ******** and ********** ********** ** *********** Regulation ******* affordability and ******** protection *** all ***** ** *** government's **************** Laws ******** **** ****** deals and **** **** ****** **** ******* *** environmental ************ *** **** ****** ****** *** been ******** ************ and currently ** ******** ****** ********* ************ demographic ******* *** ************* ************************ W & **** J ****** ******* ** *********** ** ***** housing markets *** economic geography ** cross-border migration ********** * W ***** ***** F * ****** *********** ***** ******* and ***** ******** conservation in * ****** real estate ********** ************** 11(3) 850Ullah * ***** ********** * (2023) * ********** ********* *** ********** ***** ******** ******** ** ****** **** ****** ***** ** smart ****** Neural Computing *** ************ ***** ************ C ** * **** * **** H **** F ***** Xiong Y ****** *** ******** *********** ** ******* ***** *********** **** ****** appraisal in *** era ** *** **** **** ***** ********* * ***** T ******* * ***** ****** N ***** ***** *** ****** ** proptech ** **** ****** ******** ****** ** *** ********** ******* ********* ******* *** *********** **** 869 ** * p ******* *** **********

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