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Calibri ( Body ) -| 71 - A A| Aa- PO| _ _ _ _^_ _| EEZE 21 9 AaBbCcDC AaBbCCDC AaBbC Aal B I U - ab x, X' A - D - A -| \EEZE*E . IT...

How To Figure this out in C++ Programming? I have to use Arrays and functions i think i'm really confused here

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Calibri ( Body ) -| 71 - A" A"| Aa- PO| _ _ _ _^_ _| EEZE 21 9AaBbCcDC AaBbCCDC AaBbC AalB I U - ab x, X' A - D - A -|\EEZE*E . G .` .IT Normal\ \ No Spac . Heading 1 HealFontParagraphName :"Date :Course : CSC 17OL Section_Week 15 Lab - Final Exam LabCSC 17OL - Computer Programming LabWrite a C+ + program called your LabWK15 First Name LastName . Ipp which uses FUNCTIONS to perform each of therequirements below . When you are done you will upload it to Blackboard and hand in this printout , as well as a printedcopy of the C+ + program . To receive full credit , your code ( Steps 3 - 11 ) must be implemented using functions , it mustcompile and run , and it must produce the correct input . You must also put a comment that indicates which step you areimplementing above the code . For example , / / Step] ..Step O : Start a project and name your source file Week 15 Final FirstName Last Name . CPPStep 1 : Enter the skeleton code into your source file .$ include <jost ream`$ include <string >using name space atd ;Int main ( ) [<insert code For the lab here >system ( " pause " ) ;return O ;Step 2 : The main function should declare and initialize an array called fin Array that has the following values :"1 . .77.88.99 .1FinArrayStep 3 : A function printValues that prints all of the elements in the array to the screen with appropriate label .Step 4 : A function change Values that changes all elements with values larger than 5.5 to ( the value of the element + 2 . 1 )using a loop and an " if statement .Step 5: A function printValues that prints all of the elements in the array to the screen with appropriate label .Step 6 : A function sumAVE to calculate the average of the array and print the sum and average on the screen with labels .Step 7 : A function sumoddindex that prints the sum of all the numbers at odd indices in the array ( with an appropriatemessage ) . for e.g. if the array has 5 as the first element , 10 as the second element , 15 as the third element , 20 as thefourth element and 25 as the fifth element , the function should print the sum of 10 and 20 . ( Draw a picture to visualize*this )Step 8: A function getuserinput to allow the user to change specific values in the array ( until they desire to stop ) . ASKthe user to Enter which component they want to change and the new value . Hint : Think about how the code would lookif the user wanted to change the third component to 9 .9 ; what should that code look like ? Now , repeat it .*Step 9: 4 function printValues that prints all of the elements in the array to the screen with appropriate label .I words
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