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Can Anyone answer one question write page in a half number 3 Exam II Review: Metaphysics - Online Exam Essay Discussion: Directions: Write a kind of outline or summary for ONE of the following THREE

Can Anyone answer one question write page in a half  number 3

Exam II Review: Metaphysics - Online Exam Essay Discussion:

Directions: Write a kind of outline or summary for ONE of the following THREE Exam Essays. Your Discussion post should be approximately one-half page. You may use bullet points, or just bullet point type sentences to summarize what will be your arguments on each side for ONE of the following three essay options. After you post your Exam Essay summary, read comments from others' posts and write a comment on one of the student's post. It may be the same essay or a different one than your essay topic. COMMENT ON A STUDENT'S POST THAT HAS NO COMMENTS YET. Students will only get a comment on their post IF everyone posts a comment ONLY on students' posts that have no comments yet. Thanks. Just give a positive comment AND a point that will help the student improve one's Exam II essay. Recap: JUST POST ½ page SUMMARY FOR ONE ESSAY, AND COMMENT FOR ONE STUDENT'S POST. [Worth 7 points]

ESSAY SECTION:  BE READY TO ANSWER ONEOF THE FOLLOWING THREE ESSAYS. Be ready to write approximately 1-and-1/2 pages for the exam essay: organized, well-written, with an introductory paragraph & thesis statement and a concluding paragraph. (You will write ONE ESSAY for the test). FOR THIS DISCUSSION, JUST WRITE ½ PAGE. See above Directions.

  1. Defend or refute ontological (a priori) and/or cosmological (a posteriori) arguments for God’s existence. Include arguments from Aquinas (text The Originals, 152-53, Lecture, 186-87) and either Anselm (The Originals,149-51, Video-Lecture “Ontological…”), or Malcolm (Week 9 Q&As section B1a-d), orPaley (“Paley’s…” Reader 85-90, Video-Lecture “Paley’s Teleological…”), or Hume(Lecture, 167-68 C3i-iii), or Kant (Lecture, 170-72 IIIC,D,E2,4e). (See article on Religion in Reader, 64-66, 184-85, on Anselm & Aquinas {Video-Lecture on “Aquinas…” and Lecture on Aquinas, Reader, 186-87} & the Phil 70 Reader article on Religion.., 62-67). Use lecture materials for Hume and Kant to refute ontological and cosmological arguments for God’s existence.
  1. Defend or refute arguments for God in light of the presence of evil in the world (i.e., the question of theodicy). Is God limited or is God all-powerful (omnipotent), in light of the presence of evil? Does free will answer the problem? Include points from either Hick orPetrik, in addition to the traditional Judeo-Christian arguments (from either Augustine or Irenaeus) for God in light of the question of evil. Also include points that argue that evil proves that God does not exist, such as Mackie argues. (See Video-Lecture on “Theodicy & the Problem of Evil & God,” and the highlighted lecture from Phil 70 Reader, 190-92, “Theodicy Lecture – highlighted-Gentry”).
  1. Discuss the mind-body problem. If you had to choose among the three metaphysical positions of (1) Physicalism (Materialism), (2) Subjective idealism, or (3) Metaphysical Dualism, based on what you have learned, which one of the three would you choose? Defend your answer with arguments. Include arguments against your position also. Mention at least one strong reason each for why you did not choose either of the other two options. (See Video-Lectures “Metaphysics Theories: Positions by Major Philosophers” Parts I, II, and III, “Metaphysics - Positions by Major Philosophers” highlighted – Hobbes, Berkeley, and Descartes regarding their respective positions, and the Phil 70 Reader article on Theories of Metaphysics I).
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