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Can I code this with only using one function?

Can I code this with only using one function? as I only know how to do it with multiple functions

A valid password must be at least 8 characters long and must contain the following: • at least two uppercase letters• at least one lowercase letter• at least two digits, 0 through 9• at least one of the following special characters: ! @ # $This function is_valid_password takes a string parameter and determines whether it is a valid password. The function will return True for a valid password, and False otherwise.Sample executions:is_valid_password("P4Ssword1!") # True is_valid_password("password") # False is_valid_password("$12ABcd") # FalseHint: set up counter variables for each kind of character you need to check for. As you iterate through each character in the string, check if the current character matches one of the required categories (using isupper, isdigit, islower) and update the counter accordingly. At the end of your loop, check if the values of the counters meet the stated requirements.

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