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Can I please get help for best practices of each knowledge area in project management? Each knowledge area is : 1) Project Integration Management 2) Project Scope Management 3) Project Time Management
Can I please get help for best practices of each knowledge area in project management?
Each knowledge area is :
1) Project Integration Management
2) Project Scope Management
3) Project Time Management
4) Project Cost Management
5) Project Quality Management
6) Project Resources Management
7) Project Communications Management
8) Project Risk Management
9) Project Procurement Management
10) Project Stakeholder Management
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******** *********** *********** ******* integration ********** ** ******** to ****** **** *** the ******* ******** ** projects *** properly *********** ** *** It ** ** *** ** ******* the tasks ******************* ** ******* Integration ******************* utilizationCreating ******* ****************** * ***** ******* ** ****** *** desired goals *** ********** ** *** ***************** *** controlling ** the ******* ***** ** ***** the ******** we ************ **** ** a ****************** ***** ************ ******* ***** ********** ** ********* a ******** step of ******* planning ******* ** *** ****** *********** *** ******** *********** *** **************** it defines the work which ***** ** ** **** *** capture the ******************* ************* *** *** *** utilization of ********* *** ** ******* ************ ** ***** ** ****** *** ******** ******** ** the ***************** of ******* scope ************* ******* ********* ** ******** the **** ** a ****** ************** *** **** ** ************** utilization ** ***************** every **** ***************** **** Management:Time ********** ** *** **** ***** ***** ** ******* ******* and ****** **** projects ** a ****** ***** *********** There *** simple * **** ******* ** **** ** ***************** *** ********** *** Define *** tasks *** details ** *** ******* ** **** the ******* **** ** fleshed *** ** ******* **** ** a ************* noteSequence the ********** * ** ******** the project ******* ** * ******* manner **** ****** *** ***** *** make *** **** ************** ******** ********* *** ***** ****** at ***** ***** with ******* **************** *** ******* every **** excellently and *** ********** to ***** workDevelop and ******* *** ******** *** project ******* ***** to ****** it ** **** **** he can *** ****** ******* *** can ***** their ************* ** * **** **************** ** ******* time ************** *********** ***************** productivityAttain ****************************** **** ****************** **** ********** ****** ****** *** **** project that means **** *** ******* planning phase ** ****** ***** ******** *** *** ********** of the ******* * ******* ******* ** ********* ******* budget *** this helps to *** a ******* know ***** *** **** ******** and *** **** *** **** ******** It ********** ***** with * ***** – resource planning cost estimating ********* *** cost *********** ** ** ****** ********* ** understand *** ******* ** it ** the *** *** *** ******* so every ****** ****** be ******* ** a ****** ************* ** ******* **** management:Helps to define ***** *** how much *** **** ********** ** ****** *** budget ** * well-organized ******** creates * sense ** *********************** and ******** ** ****** *************** ** ***** **** ** prioritize5Project ******* ****************** quality ********** is * ********** ******* that ****** and **** with * project ** ******* ** ***** ***** edge of *** ******* *** tends ** satisfy everyone ******* ********* ******* ***** ** ****** position ** is * ********** ***** ***** ** ******** ** ***** ********************** ** ******* ******* ************* ******** *** ****** ************ *** ****** can ** *************** * good *********** *** all the *************** ******************** an innovative *************** ********* ****************** ********* management helps to carry *** ***** ** every project *** ********* *** ** ******** and ************ Resources *** **** ****** equipment ******** funds ************* of ******* resources **************** **** outputWill learn ** **** the best with ********* ****************** the ********************* ****************** **************** ************** Management:Project communications ********** spend *** time ****** ** ************* **** their **** members and **** *** *** ******* ******* **** ********** and ********** ** includes plan communications ****** *********** manage the ***** ******* ********** ************ ** information **************** ** ******* communications management:Will ***** ** ****** peopleWill **** to **** *********** ***** to ******** skilled ************ ************* with *************** *** disputesPerform *** ***** ** ************ **** *************** management is **** by ******** ********* *********** and ** ***** ******* risk ********** ** the **** task ***** ***** ** **** ******** *** *** ************ **** management ** *** *** ** success *** failure *** a manager ****** know ***** ** **** risk *** where to **************** ** ******* **** ************************ ** ************** *********** *** ******** ********** **** always have ******** *********** of challengesEasy to spot *** troubles in * project9Project *********** ****************** *********** ********** ** * ************* ** many ******* *** ** ** ********** **** five step processes *** ********** planning initiating ******* writing ***************** ** project procurement management:Analyze *** ****** ************* ********** ********** *** something ************ ** ** maintained ** ******* *** ****** goalsEasy ** ************ ** gain profits10Project Stakeholders ************* Influences the *** ***** holder’s expectations and ************ ** * ***** holder ** ******* **** the projects * ******* ****** ** ** ** **** ********* to **** **** ***** ****** always ***** as it plays a very ******* part ** the ***************** of ******* stakeholders ************* ***** ****** ******************** **** ************ Make ****** ***************** ***************** **********