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CAN YOU DO THIS FOR ME   2 replies of 250–300 words each, to 2 classmates' threads.  Statements  made in each thread must be supported by at least 1 scholarly reference.  1ST REPLY DB Forum 2 – Chapte


 2 replies of 250–300 words each, to 2 classmates' threads.  Statements  made in each thread must be supported by at least 1 scholarly reference. 


DB Forum 2 – Chapter 10: Changing a Promotion System

Kristin Land

BUSI643 – Workforce Planning and Employment

Liberty University

September 19, 2019

DB Forum 2 – Chapter 10: Changing a Promotion System

Problems at the CSD

             Many of CSD’s problems can be attributed to poor skill matching  decisions. This could have been prevented had they paid better  “attention to the types of KSAOs necessary for advancement, and  undertaken programs to impart these KSAOs to aspiring employees”  (Heneman, Judge, & Kammeyer-Mueller, 2019, p. 542-543). Coaching,  mentoring, job-related assessments, formal training, and networking  opportunities should have been explored before they hired Tom for the  management position. He was an excellent employee, but was not  adequately prepared to make managerial decisions and lead a team.  Another excellent step for CSD would have been for Tom to help train,  coach, and mentor his replacement. He was a success at the upper-level  sales position and would have passed on valuable information to the  newcomer. Such an arrangement would have been helpful for them both and  may have prevented some of Bioglass’s top clients from leaving. 

Improving Promotion Decisions

In future promotion decisions at Bioglass, managers should consider strategic initiatives such  as manpower planning, which is meant to develop a personnel strategy,  ensuring that the required personnel is available in time (Komarudin,  Guerry, Vanden Berghe, & De Feyter, 2015, p. 2004). One approach to  manpower planning, Markov manpower planning, describes and controls the  future evolution of the personnel structure that depends on  recruitments, promotions (i.e., employee transitions between subgroups)  and wastage (when employees leave the organization) (Komarudin, 2015, p.  2004). The system does this by employing the use of a classified set of  subgroups which consist of individual employees of similar personal and  work-related characteristics, making appropriate selection  determinations through the use of quantitative methods.  

Role of Performance Appraisals

In  this case, basing Tom’s qualification for the promotion solely on his  level of past performance proved to be a poor decision. This was not  because he was undeserving of the promotion; he had earned it. Rather it  was because he lacked the necessary managerial skills needed for the  position. CSD should have measured his skills in this area, just the  same as they should have done for Tom’s replacement in the higher-level  sales associate position. Neither one of them, though skilled and  knowledgeable in their respective jobs, were adequately prepared for  their new roles. Particularly, if Tom was the most qualified applicant  for the job, the benefits of providing him with more training would have  likely outweighed the costs. 

Managers  must be aware that in performance appraisals “there is not always a  direct correspondence between the requirements of the current job and  the requirements of the position applied for”…[They] “should only be  used as predictors when job analysis indicates a close relationship  between the current job” and the new position the employee applied for  (Heneman, et al., 2019, p. 528). If used in the appropriate context  between jobs requiring similar skillsets, performance appraisals can be  very effective.


Heneman, H. G., Judge, T. A., & Kammeyer-Mueller, J. (2019). Staffing organizations (9th ed.). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw Hill. 

Komarudin,  Guerry, M., Vanden Berghe, G., & De Feyter, T. (2015). Balancing  attainability, desirability and promotion steadiness in manpower  planning systems. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66(12), 2004-2014. Retrieved from


Latoya Smith               

Changing a Promotion System

Chapter 10: Changing a Promotion System

             Many organizations use internal recruitment as a way to hire their  employees.  Internal hiring is popular because the organization already  knows the knowledge, skills and abilities and other characteristics of  the individual.  An organization should still have processes in place  when using internal hiring as a means of promotion.  Just because an  employee is good in their current position does not mean the employee  will excel when promoted. 

             The likely cause of CSD’s problem with Tom is that the organization  does not have an internal selection process.  Although, Tom was a very  good sales associate there was nothing in place or nothing conducted  that would determine if he would be successful as a manger.  In  addition, there is not a training or professional development program  available to Tom, so he may improve on his managerial skills. 

             In order for this organization to make better promotion decisions, the  organization should have an internal selection process.  There is  certain initial assessment method an organization may use.  These  assessments methods are Talent Management/Succession Systems, Peer  Assessments, Self-Assessments, Managerial Sponsorship, and informal  discussions and recommendations (Heneman, Judge, & Kammeyer-Mueller,  2019). Each of these assessments’ methods will give the employer  valuable insight on the candidate.  For instance, the Talent  Management/Succession system keeps an ongoing organizational record of  the skills, talents, and capabilities of an organization’s employees  (Heneman, Judge, & Kammeyer-Muller, 2019).  This will help human  resources keep up to date records of the employees within an  organization that way the employee’s skill level is always known, and  the record may be reviewed when the employee is applying for an internal  position or up for a promotion.  The next assessment an organization  may use are peer assessments.  Peer assessments are good because peers  are witnesses to the KSA’s of their fellow co-workers. The downside of  peer assessments are sometimes co-workers may be friends, and there is a  chance that some peer assessments may be bias.  The third assessment  that may be used is self-assessments. The one problem with  self-assessments is that employees may not be honest about their skill  set.  The final two options are managerial sponsorship and informal  discussion and recommendations.  Managerial sponsorship is when an upper  level management sponsors an employee.  In addition, recommendations  may come from a manager and should be used with caution because a bias  may exist.  No matter which method is selected an organization should  have a system in place when hiring internally.  

             Performance appraisals plays a role in internal selection because it  shows the past performance of employees.  Performance appraisals are  only relevant when the current job and future job have similar  knowledge, skills and abilities.  For instance, an employee who was  excellent doing office work cannot compare to a job where manual labor  is needed.  No matter what or why a performance appraisal is used it may  not give an accurate account of a person’s ability.  


Heneman, H.G., Judge, T. A., & Kammeyer-Mueller, J. (2019).  Staffing organizations. 

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