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Case 2: Starbucks Overseas What were the key reasons for Starbucks success in China? Localization Effective positioning and the generation of new demand What were the critical reasons fo
Case 2: Starbucks Overseas
What were the key reasons for Starbucks success in China?
Effective positioning and the generation of new demand
What were the critical reasons for Starbucks failure in Australia?
Not Understanding the culture of Australian Customers
The Great Recession
Do you think Starbucks should continue its expansion plans in Australia?
Using insights from the cases, what are your suggestions to Starbucks? How could they best ensure success in Nairobi market?
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**** ** Starbucks OverseasWhat **** *** key ******* for ********* success in China? ************ Starbucks faced *********** ********** **** ** ********* to ***** **** *** tea-obsessed ******* ****** ********* *** ************ ** ******** *** *** ******* *** *** *** ****** ********* cultures in China ** ********* ********* **** **** ******* ******* ingredients ********* **** ********** * new line of ********* *** ****** ******** ************ for *** ****** of ******* ********* The company ******** thorough ************** ** determine the ******** ******* ** provide *********** ********* that are ********* *** ***** ******* ******* ******* **** 20006) ********** ************ ** ******* ******** ********* in ***** helped ***** the ********* disparate *** *** ****** *********** ************ ********* ********** * *** **** and drink **** **** *** been ******** ** *** ******* ****** ** ******* consumersEffective *********** *** *** ********** ** new demand Starbucks' ******* ** China led ******** ** a **** ** coffee *********** there Despite China's ************* reputation as * tea-drinking ****** Starbucks *********** *** *** ***** target market perceives ****** ********** *** ******* *********** *** ********** *********** **** ******* Starbucks ** ****** * status ****** and command ****** prices As ** *********** ** traditional *********** ** ************* ****** ****** in ********* *** frequented ********* **** the critical reasons *** ********* ******* ** Australia?Not ************* the ******* of ********** ********* ***** ********* ********** coffee a ********* Australians ** *** ***** this view ****** ** ********* ** **** **** * ******** to *** ****** ** ** ********* *** ********* to ******* * personal ************ with ***** ************ ******* ****** than try ******** *** ***** ****** ** ** ********* **** ** Australian ****** ******* the emphasis is ** *** conversation ******* **** ****** ** ********* are independently ***** ********* *** **** ****** ******* ***** relationships (Tombs ***** McColl-Kennedy ******** Great ********* **** **** **** of *********** ********* ********* ****** in 2008 *** ** ****** ************* ** *** may **** *** Great Recession hit *** ***** ***** **** time ******* *** vast ******** this recession *** felt **** in ********* *** While Starbucks *** solvent ********** ******* ** ***** ***** *** ** jeopardy *** the **** ***** **** ****** ** ** *** try * ********* ****** ***** 2008) ***** ten ***** **** ****** ***** *** ******* ******** life *** ******* downDo you ***** ********* ****** ******** *** ********* ***** ** ********** Yes ******* ** ***** ********** ********** ****** ******* *** ***** ** Australia ********* ***** ** **** to ******* ******* ***** ***** interviews **** ********* customers This information would have ****** *** company ****** ***** to the ***** of ********** **** ******* ** ********* that ********* **** ** **** **** 20 stores in ********* **** *** **** few ***** and **** ***** ****** ** located ********* ** ***** ********** ******* **** ****** ********* Brisbane *** ***** The first ******** ***** ****** **** ********** * ******* ********* (Khushman ********** insights **** *** cases **** are your *********** ** ********** *** ***** **** **** ****** ******* in ******* ******* Although Starbucks is *********** ****** ********** ******* to spend money *** ** ********** *** the **** ***** they **** to ** is switch ****** brands ********* ***** ** ********* * ******* card ******* that ****** customers' purchases *** ***** **** ********* **** they ***** in *** ******* ** ********* **** ******* about ********* to ******* ** ***** ** **** ** ***** ** much as possible ***** ****** culture *** the ********** ** ********* ****** ** ******* ********************** ****** *** **** | ******** * ***** central ** Starbucks ****** ********* ****** ** **** from *********************************************** * ****** ********* ** Australia: ***** *** ** go wrong? - *** **** ********* ****** 11 2022 from ************************************************* A ****** ** ********** ** Entrepreneurial ********** *** Growth Strategies–The **** ** ********* ****** ************** at **** ************ A * & McColl-Kennedy * * ****** Australasian Marketing ***********