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Case Study 1: Florida Department of Management Services, Part I Due Week 4 and worth 80 pointsRead the case study titled “Florida Department of Management Services Part I” found at the end of Chap

Case Study 1: Florida Department of Management Services, Part IDue Week 4 and worth 80 points

Read the case study titled “Florida Department of Management Services Part I” found at the end of Chapter 5. Refer to the DMS Website, located at, for further reference.

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Analyze the security mechanisms needed to protect the DMS systems from both state employees and users accessing over the Internet.
  2. Critique the transition process performed by the DMS in the case study. Then, recommend two (2) alternatives to the IP infrastructure or applications not already mentioned in the case study.
  3. Critique the merits of the major services found on the DMS Website.
  4. Recommend an additional service to add to the DMS Website.
  5. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment.Note:Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
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****** ***** 1: Florida ********** of ********** ******** **** ************** ***** Part ** ********** ** ********** ******** ******************** ******** Department of ********** Services (DMS)" ** ** organization ** ****** of ***** ***** ************** ********** ********** medical ********** **** *********** *** administration ************ specific *************** ***** ****** *** *********** ********* **** *** *** *********** ** ****** ** ******** *** ******** ********** ** *********** ********* ** the ******** *** ** the ************** ** "State ** ******** *** ***** *************** to more **** ** ******* ******* ********* *** state ************* ***** ******* state ******** ******** ****** ******** *** nearby governments *** their ******** ** likewise ***** workforce and ******** *********** ******* ** ******* ***** ********** *** ** * ****** ************** ******** **** ******** ***** ************* *** ***** workers ******* Human ******** Support ******** ********** *** Specialized Services ** mid ***** the "Florida Department of ********** ******* (DMS)" had ********* an ********* **** ********** organize that served ***** ********** ************* ** ** territorial ******* *** ********** ***** to *** ****** farm in ********************* ********** **** can ** **** ** *** *** ********** it **** *** ************ access ** the ******** ** the ***** and ***** ********* ** *** DMSTwo ******** ***** required ** ********* *** *** systems are “IP *********** ** **** ** ********** Private ****************** ******* ******** ***** ***** *********** ** ********** and ******** ********* ** **** ******** to ***** ********* the Internet ** some ***** **** ** public ********* ** ************ ******* ***** public ********** **** ** ****** ****** to remote ******* *************** and ***** ******** *************** ** **** ** to ********* ********** from ****** ******* *** ***** *************** would need ** ******* *** *** ** *** to the *** ** verifying ********* 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*** **** to ****** itself *** just **** the ******* ******* ** *** ********* online additionally **** *** *** ******* ********* ********* in *** department *** DMS ****** *** ** and running and it was secure *** solid ******* *** rate *** moderate *** *** ********* *** ************ awkward *** framework ** ******** ********* **** a ******** ** ***** ********** ****** by ********** and *********** *** *********** *** ****** information ****** movement DMS ** planning ** ***** ************ and ** **** ******* ** ********** ******** including ******** since it ******** ******** validating ******* ** ********* **** *** ******** ** make ******* *** implements **** transition ** implement *** *** ** ******* **** IPsec firewalls *** ******* ******* frameworks to ******* the association *** ******* *** ****** ** *** ********* of *** ******* ***** and ***** ******* ** the *** ********** ***** ** **** much effective in ********* the **** ******** ******* ************ ****** ** its ********* information regarding the ************ **** ***** ** others *** ******** ********** is *********** ** *** *** ** ******* the ****** and ********** **** *** illegal ****** ******** ** *** users ** the network ***** the DMS site *** *** *** ***** **** **** ***** ************ ** the ******** ********** ***** ***** help the DMS ** ****** ****** **** **** ********* ***** *** some ** *** ********* ********* ** ********* ** *** ******** ********** **** ** *** ***** *** ****** ***** ** ************** ** ** *********** ******* *** *** ********** ******** ** *** ************** SSL-based VPN ******* ****************** ******** *********** become possibly the **** ********* factor **** an ************ **** *** ** excessive amount of overhead has ** ****** of restrictive ************* is *********** ****** or is *********** ************ making ** impossible making ** impossible ** **** care ** the current ***** *** *** ** ********** ***** ** * ******** *********** ********** ** **** user ** worker's PC: *** *** ******* ** *** client ********** * *** program *** after that ********** ********* *************** ** *** SSL ******** entryway ***** *** *** ******** ******** the ****** ** ************** the *********** ******** ********* ***** ** * *** ******* ******************** nd)Different Services ** *** ********** of *** ******** ** the ******* *** ***** meritsDMS ** * ****** administration ******** that ******** ***** offices and ***** ******* through:Human ******** ******* *** ******** *********** *** "Department of ********** ********* ** "DMS" is ** ****** ** dealing **** *** ***** ***** framework ********** ***** ******** Management ******* ********** ****** Insurance Benefits ****** ***** in ******* ***** frameworks *** endeavors to **** *** excellent ************** *** ******* expect *** ***** while *********** *** ******* ******** ** ***** ********** ** **** **** ****** *** ** ******* ***** **** are ******** **** **** Insurance *********** ******** of State Group ********* ****** ****** and ***** with ** ********* bundle ** ************** ********** and ******* ********** ********** *** ******* *** ******** ***** ******* and ***** families ********** an ********** of medical coverage alternatives adaptable ******** and ********** ********** ******** ******** protection ****** vision and other supplemental protection ************** ** *********** ********** ** ** automatically *** most assorted of *** Divisions inside of *** ********** *** Division gives oversight ********** ** *** ******* ****** *** ship ********** ******** surplus system *** ******* **************** of ***** ******** *** Watercraft ************ **************** *********** *** *********** of all ******** ******** **** *** state ************* ** ******** ***** transfer of *** **** ******* ****************** ** Federal ******** Assistance": **************** *********** ******** ******* ******* ** ************* ******** gear from *** government and ********** ** to ************* ** **** with ********* *** expense of *** hardware"Authority of Private Prison Monitoring": Responsibilities *********** *** oversight *** *********** consistence for *** private **** ********* inside ** the State ** ************************** nd)ConclusionAdditional Service ** be ***** ** *** ******** observed **** site ** be exceptionally ************ ** **** * ***** ***** ** *************** to ***** ******* *** in ******** *** ******* ********** ** *** *********** *************** the *** brings ** the table With every *** ** the ******** we **** **** in ********** using *** *** ********* are *********** searching *** ********** to ** ****** ** *** *** Long **** *** *** ***** of really going ** ********** ******* to *** ****** ******** *** *********** and notwithstanding ******** for retirement ********** ******* ********* giving ***** *************** ** ************** ***** ** ** it ** * ***** that ** **** ********** *** ****** *** ******* **** **** anybody ****** ********** ** **** ************* data ****** there **** ** **** ********* that ******** *** customer ** ***** ****** ***** ***** ** get *** ********** Therefore security ******* must ** ** the **** ** *** ** ********** ************ CitedGreene * (2002) ************************************ ********* **** wwwnetworkworldcom: ******************************************************************************************************* **** ** overview ** the ******** ******** ** ********** * Aircc Retrieved from ************** wwwairccseorg/journal/nsa/0111jnsa03pdfwwwdmsmyfloridacom **** ******* *** DMS services? *** *** ********** in ********* **** ******************* ************************************ (nd) ********* the *** *** **** ***** ******* private ******** Retrieved **** *********** ****************************************************************************************

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