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Categorical Attributes In this Critical Thinking Assignment, you will install R and R Studio as well as explore a dataset and convert two categorical variables into binary dummies. Install R and R Stu

Categorical Attributes

In this Critical Thinking Assignment, you will install R and R Studio as well as explore a dataset and convert two categorical variables into binary dummies. Install R and R Studio by following the instructions here:      

  • R Studio Installation Guide (Links to an external site.)
  • R Installation Guide (Links to an external site.)

Explore the Toyota Corolla used car data in the ToyotaCorolla.csv (Links to an external site.) file by performing the following steps.

  1. Follow the process under Loading and Looking at the Data in R in section 2.4 of our text.
  2. Use the R code example shown in Table 2.3.
  3. For your assignment submission, take screenshots showing the successful execution of the following functions. Your screenshots must include the system date and time.
    1. dim()
    2. head()
    3. View()
    4. Three other exploratory functions are similar to those demonstrated in Table 2.3.
  4. Convert the attributes Fuel Type and Color to binary dummies by following the process under Handling Categorical Variables in section 2.4 of our text.
  5. Use the R code example shown in Table 2.6.
  6. For your assignment submission, take a screenshot of your entire R Studio window showing your code that is similar to Table 2.6. Your screenshots must include the system date and time.

Your assignment submission must be one Word document that meets the following requirements:

  • Conforms to APA guidelines 
  • Includes a cover page with the number and name of the Critical Thinking option you chose
  • Does not include an abstract
  • Includes a one-page description of what you did and what you learned
  • Includes screenshots of your R code showing the entire R Studio window as well as the system clock date and time
  • If the R code in your screenshots is too small to read, copy the code into the paper as a figure
  • All figures, including screenshots and code, must meet the APA labeling requirement

Textbook: Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in R

Galiet Shmueli

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******** ******** Assignment This ********** was insightful ******* * learned how ** ************ *** ******** *** ******* * *** ** given **** alongside ***** *********** ********** ******* * learned *** ** ****** *** ********** data in * studio ********* * *** ** selected ****** **** **** ******** and then ******** ********* exploratory functions ** ******* and **** **

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