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Chapter 5 discussed things that can affect our perception, such as attention, processing, sensory adaptation, and motivation. Define one of these and provide an example of how it has affected your per

Chapter 5 discussed things that can affect our perception, such as attention, processing, sensory adaptation, and motivation. Define one of these and provide an example of how it has affected your perception in the past. (only 2 paragraphs needed)

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Chapter 7 discusses intelligence.  Using the book and outside research, complete the following tasks:

  • Define intelligence.
  • Do you agree with the definition?  Why or why not?
  • Look at the theories of intelligence in the book and decide which you think is the most accurate.  Use outside research to support your opinion.

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  • How can bias affect a job interview?
  • What can be done to reduce bias in an interview?
  • Have you had any personal experience with bias (positive or negative) in an interview situation?  Explain.

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  • List and explain some of the risk factors associated with the development of PTSD following a traumatic event.  What qualifies as traumatic? Do all people experience trauma in the same manner? Can PTSD only be experienced by combat veterans? Explain all answers thoroughly and with documentation. Be sure to cite and reference your sources using APA writing style.
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