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Chose a simple/small animal and a complex/large animal and compare the use of organ systems to meet a metabolic or reproductive need. You will focus on a single function; e.g., respiration, circulatio
Chose a simple/small animal and a complex/large animal and compare the use of organ systems to meet a metabolic or reproductive need. You will focus on a single function; e.g., respiration, circulation, digestion, excretion, or reproduction. In your opinion, does increased size provide an adaptation for this function? Explain your position. Write a 2-3 page (500 – 750 words, 12 point font) paper including the following elements. Be sure to compose your work with your own words. Do not copy and paste from any source. Analyze the limitations size puts on function. Describe an organ system needed for a small animal. Describe an organ system needed for a larger animal. Compare and contrast the system in small and larger animal. Analyze increased size as an adaptation and explain the rationale.
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******* ************************** *********************** ************************ * simple/small animal *** a ************* animal *** ******* the *** of ***** systems ** **** * metabolic ** ************ **** *** **** ***** ** * ****** ******** eg respiration *********** ********* excretion ** reproduction In **** ******* **** increased size provide an ********** *** **** ********* ******* **** ************* are approximately ***** ******* ***** ****** ******* on *** ***** **** ** ***** *** a ****** **** ***** ******** *** **** ***** ** al ***** **** *** daytime ******** whereas others *** ********* Some animals' ********* circulation ********* ********* *** ************ **** ******* ******* **** ** *********** ***** ****** ******* **** ******* ********* *** ******** ******* *** ******** them to ****** animals **** ****** ******** on *** ******* ******** ****** which is ******************* *** ************** ***** means **** may function ** **** male and ****** as they have **** *************** *********** ***** *** fusion of male *** ****** ******* **** * ****** ******** the *********** number ** *** ******* They *** ********* ** *********** ********** ** ********* ***** ******* on ****** ***** ********* ************ ***** cells **** *** water ****** *********** ** the external ******* ****** **** *** aid ** ***** *** male ***** reaches a female ****** **** *** identical species where it is ******** ** ********** ***** ********* ** fertilization ************ * *********** type ** **** *** in *** ******** ** ***** ** *** ***** ****** *** ********** ************* occurs producing ******** ****** They are then ************ ** the aquatic ****** so **** **** may build a *** ****** **** Soest ** al 2012)Compared to ******** mammals specifically ***** ****** *** * far **** complicated ******* ** ********** **** *** ******** ** *** most ******** animal species *** ***** **** ** ******** of ***** tissues ****** *** ***** systems ***** *** * ******* ** organs with *********** ***** ** ****** *** reproductive systems of *** *** ******* are ********** by ******** **** of ******** The ****** has *** ***** in ***** ******* At *** **** **** the **** ******** sperm ***** **** conduct internal ************* ** ****** * ****** ***** ** **** ********* in *** ****** **** the ****** ******* **** a baby ******* ***************** *** ******** *** *** ******** ****** reproductive ******** whereas ************ ** *** ******* **** ******* The male ************ ****** ** ********* ** two ******** ********** the testes *** ******** ******* ******** the ******** ***** *** the ***** (Delieu 2011) *** testes produce ***** *********** ** the ***** *** *** *** deferens ******* have ** **** ** **** **** ** ***** ****** ******** ** ******* *** ******* * cervical organ *** * ****** Sperm ***** ** **** **** ***** found in *** ******* fluid *** *********** **** the ****** vaginal ***** ****** ********** The *********** ***** ***** **** ** *** *** ******* canal *** cervix *** *** ******** Whenever *** female ** ** *** ********* period *** ** *** is ****** **** ****** ** ********** ** a ****** ***** **** **** female and **** **** cells *** haploid ** nature due ** ******* ************* ** * ********** ******* **** results ** ******* a ****** (Delieu ***** The zygote proceeds ******* ******** *** cell ******** ** ******** *** blastula This ******** ** implanted in the endometrium **** ** *** **** * ******** grows that ********* the ********** ***** *** facilitates *** exchange ** ***** ******* *** ****** and ***** The ***** ********* ******** *** ******* ** **** ****** ********** ***** time *** ****** ***** ****** develops ******** ********** of *** ******** ********* as its size grows A ****** ******** *** generate * large ****** ** ******* ** * ***** ********* In contrast ****** ********* ********* ******** a single ***** ** **** ****** In more *********** ****** the ********* ** ************ organs between *** and females regulates the ************* ** the ***** ********* *** ******* the ********** of ****** ** ****** ******* ********* development ** **** **** *********** ********** ******** chancesReferencesDelieu * ****** *** ************ System ** * Glance *** ********** Of Anatomy219(6) ******* **************************************************** * ****** ****** ************************ ** ************ 485-490 *************************************************** * Tittensor D *** S ******* A & **** * ****** *** **** ******* *** ***** on Earth *** in the Ocean?Plos *********** ******** https://doiorg/101371/journalpbio1001127Van ***** * ************* * ******* J Dohrmann * ********* * & ** ***** * ** ** ****** ****** ********* ** ******* ************** ONE7(4) ****** ******************************************