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CJS127 WEEK 6I knew this kid once-social interactionist theoryAssignment1 PAGEUsing your I knew this kid once juvenile, analyze your juvenile and pick one of the social interactionist theories.  Appl


I knew this kid once-social interactionist theory



Using your I knew this kid once juvenile, analyze your juvenile and pick one of the social interactionist theories.  Apply your theory and tell me why it fits over the other theories.

CJS127 Discussion - Girls in trouble 

2 PARAGRAPHS Discussion Topic 

Task: Reply to this topic  https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/editorial/bs-ed-girls-juvenile-justice-20161219-story.html 


After reviewing the two Baltimore Sun articles, describe an "ow", "wow" AND "pow" moment from the link. Remember an "ow" moment is something that we hear that makes us feel uncomfortable or question what is being said. The "pow" moment is something we had not heard before and hits us and makes us think about something in a new way. The "wow" moment is something that we may have heard before and when we hear it again it makes even more sense.

SOC101 - Activity 9: Two American Families

From 1992-2012, Bill Moyers followed the story of two ordinary, hard-working Milwaukee families -- one black, one white -- as they battle to keep from sliding into poverty. A portrait of perseverance, “Two American Families” raises unsettling questions about the changing nature of the U.S. economy and the fate of a declining middle class (Adapted from PBS website).

Please answer the questions below as you watch the documentary. Responses must be in complete sentences and total no less than 500 words in order to receive full credit for this activity.  If you have trouble with the link, google "Two American Families" for the video.

1. What changes in the nature of work (i.e., types of work available, wages, qualifications, etc.) is experienced by the families throughout the film?

2. What are some of the solutions developed by the families to deal with economic difficulties?

3. How does social class shape the quality of life for these families?

4. In what ways do race and gender impact the experiences of the families in the film?

5. Discuss a few solutions that could lessen the economic burden of working class and poor families. Consider policy changes in the institutions of the economy or education and childcare options and costs.

SOC101- Assignment Activity 11: Analyzing Prejudice and Stereotypes

Think of common stereotypes that exist regarding different racial or ethnic groups (remember that "White" is also an ethnic group). Use your textbook and credible online resources to assist you in addressing the following:

1. Thinking historically, where did these stereotypes originate?

2. What prejudices are embedded in the stereotypes?

3. In what areas of social life are these stereotypes present (i.e., schools, media, politics, etc.)? Provide specific examples.

4. How are the stereotypes used to justify inequality?

*500 words minimum

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