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class and gender affect inequality in the United States? How do we separate out what the effect of each is? Do we still live in a segregated society?...

How do race, class and gender affect inequality in the United States? How do we separate out what the effect of each is? Do we still live in a segregated society? Please discuss. Why is the middle class in the United States disappearing and what can be done to save it if anything? How does education affect all three of these categories and does education increase upward mobility? Discuss what is meant by white privilege and how does white privilege help maintain inequality. What is the relationship between capitalism and inequality? What is the relationship between economic power and political power? Can capitalism and democracy co-exist? Why/Why not? How does racial segregation affect both white people and non-white people? Finally Compare and contrast the view of a structural functionalist on the effect of race, class and gender to that of a conflict theorist.

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