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Class Assignment #8 As you know, a number of governors are considering the stoppage of elective abortions from being performed while the Coronavirus is an issue. They argue that doctors, as well as

Class Assignment #8

As you know, a number of governors are considering the stoppage of elective abortions from being performed while the Coronavirus is an issue. They argue that doctors, as well as medical staff and equipment, are needed to treat critically ill Coronavirus patients. They also argue that elective abortions and other elective procedures would interfere with the demands of treating Coronavirus patients. Leaders of pro-choice organizations disagree. They contend that this is just a ploy to make abortion unavailable. What do you think? Below, I’ve pasted a recent article that talks about this. What I need you to do for this assignment -- Please write a minimum of three paragraphs explaining your feelings on the issue. It is important that you cite information from this article (or another source or sources) in your discussion. You may include other sources (such as articles from the library's databases or, in this case, from newsarticles and government sources) in your discussion. Please submit this by Sunday, August 2, 2020. Please do not send it as an attachment; send it as an email message to[email protected]. Please label it "Sociology 200; Class Assignment #8, the name of the assignment (which is Class Assignment #8), and your name. Thanks. Cordially, Richard Bobys

ARTICLE: “Some states have halted abortions because of the pressure to treatcoronavirus patients”

As the coronavirus pandemic sweeps the country, physicians andhospitals are canceling elective, nonessential surgeries andprocedures to preserve health-care resources, including scarcepersonal protective equipment, and to limit potential patients’exposure to the virus.

But what exactly counts as “elective?” A growing number of states areputting abortion in that category. These state efforts could affectwomen’s rights to terminate pregnancies for a long time to come.

Covid-19 measures have effectively banned abortion in some states

Virginia, Washington, Illinois and New York have explicitly protectedfamily planning services from being canceled as elective. But agrowing number of states — Ohio, Texas, Mississippi and, mostrecently, Kentucky — have used this pandemic to halt abortions intheir states, except when the woman’s life is in immediate dangerwithout one.

For instance, Ohio’s Department of Health writes that “nonessentialsurgical abortions are those that can be delayed without undue risk tothe current or future health of the patient,” and instructed thestate’s abortion clinics to halt abortions. However, abortion’s healthrisks are lowest in a pregnancy’s first trimester, when approximately90 percent are performed; abortion costs are higher as the pregnancycontinues; and legal abortion is safer than childbirth. What’s more,if coronavirus isn’t contained soon, for many women any delay gettingan abortion is likely, in reality, to be a ban.

The Supreme Court considered whether states can 'protect' women fromabortion. What's behind that argument?

Governors and other officials are declaring abortions to be“nonessential” medical procedures, an antiabortion goal

With the covid-19 pandemic straining health-care resources,antiabortion groups are working to redefine abortion as nonessential,which is one of their longtime goals.

Since the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade struck downlaws against abortion, the antiabortion strategy has been to passstate laws limiting abortion access and to fight for those laws in thefederal courts, as political scientist Josh Wilson explored. Forexample, the Supreme Court’s 1992 decision in Planned Parenthood v.Casey enabled states to impose their own constraints on abortionaccess.

Since then, some states have worked to codify Roe v. Wade, whileothers, such as Texas and Alabama, enact Targeted Regulation ofAbortion Provider (“TRAP”) laws that effectively close abortionclinics by imposing stringent requirements about such issues ascorridor width and whether physicians have admitting privileges atnearby hospitals. The Guttmacher Institute reported that Louisianaalone has enacted 89 abortion restrictions since Roe, with many otherstates passing dozens as well. However, as political scientistMarshall Medoff found, TRAP laws don’t reduce women’s pursuit ofabortion services.

Antiabortion policies are more likely to be adopted in states with amore strongly antiabortion electorate. But as political scientistSusan Roberts explored here at TMC last year, the antiabortioninterest group Americans United for Life (AUL) has been behind thespread of particular measures; in 2014, AUL consulted on antiabortionmeasures in 32 states. These measures have collectively sought to makeabortion “legal but inaccessible.” AUL has praised Ohio’s and Texas’sefforts to shut down abortions during the pandemic, though on March30, a federal judge temporarily blocked Texas from halting abortionsas part of the state’s pandemic response.

Alabama state legislators are wrong about their voters' opinions on abortion

The cost of unwanted pregnancies may be higher during the pandemic

With businesses shuttered, the economy rapidly contracting and arecord number of nearly 3.3 million jobless claims reported thismonth, women who are not financially prepared to have a child may faceparticular financial hardship as their medical costs increase duringpregnancy. Further, compared to women with planned pregnancies, thosewith mistimed or unwanted pregnancies are less likely to receive earlyprenatal care, and unwanted pregnancies are more likely to result inpreterm birth or low birth weight; women with unwanted pregnancies aremore likely to smoke and less likely to breast-feed, which are bothassociated with less healthy children.

Early research suggests that pregnant women recover well fromcovid-19. Nevertheless, carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term canmean serious economic challenges both for the parents and for theUnited States at large.

President Trump has often touted his antiabortion credentials, saying,“I am pro-life and pro-life people will find out that I will be veryloyal to them” and pledging to appoint antiabortion judges. Asabortions rights observer Katha Pollitt recently outlined in theAtlantic, clinics that close temporarily often cannot afford toreopen. In some states, the pandemic, not judges, might be how theantiabortion movement succeeds in ending legal surgical abortion.

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