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Class: World religion Date: October 18 Take an issue about a religion of your choice (excluding one to which you or your culture is related... ) and discuss a present day problem facing that faith int
Class: World religion
Date: October 18
Take an issue about a religion of your choice (excluding one to which you or your culture is related... ) and discuss a present day problem facing that faith internally or with the world at large. This is not to be an outline of that religion. The paper is to be 12-pages in length, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, headers, and footers (meaning 12-pages of your writing on the topic...excluding title page, works cited, etc.), 12-font. You can use either MLA or APA style.
Here are some possible topics:
Tibetan Buddhism and the influence of China
Hindu extremism toward Muslims in India (only if you aren’t from one of these religions)
Muslim fundamentalism/extremism (only if you aren’t from this religion)
Sikh demands for independence from India