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CO 600 Assignment 4-5-6

Forum 2 Topic: The Research Process

In not less than 500 words and supported by references to at least 2 peer-reviewed sources and 1 biblical integration. References in APA format.


You have been asked to determine how hospitals prepare and train volunteers. Since you know relatively little about this subject, how will you find out? Be as specific as possible.

In not less than 500 words and supported by references to at least 2 peer-reviewed sources and 1 biblical integration. References in APA format.


P&G recently moved its IAMS pet food division from Vandalia, OH to Mason, OH. The move affected 240 workers, who were offered positions to join the 2,000 workers already occupying the pet food division headquarters in Mason. A company statement indicated, “We’re doing this to increase productivity, collaboration, and access to P&G’s resources/expertise.” P&G also told employees that it was beginning a separate, multi-month study on how to increase collaboration and efficiencies with the 250 employees still working in its pet food research and development complex located in Lewisburg, OH. What research might be included in the multi-month study to determine the future of the Lewisburg R&D facility and its employees?

Forum 3 Topic: Experiments and Surveys

In not less than 500 words and supported by references to at least 2 peer-reviewed sources and 1 biblical integration. References in APA format.


You decide to take a telephone survey of 40 families in the 721- exchange area. You want an excellent representation of all subscribers in the exchange area. Explain how you will carry out this study.

In not less than 500 words and supported by references to at least 2 peer-reviewed sources and 1 biblical integration. References in APA format.


What are the four major sources of measurement error? Illustrate by example how each of these might affect measurement results in a face-to-face interview situation.

Forum 4 Topic: Questionnaries, Instruments, and Sampling

In not less than 500 words and supported by references to at least 2 peer-reviewed sources and 1 biblical integration. References in APA format.


Government economic data reveals that young adults, not middle-aged or older adults, are having the most difficult time in today’s economy. Although the nation’s labor market shows a decline in the unemployment rate, the percentage of young adults, ages 18 to 24, currently employed (54%) is at the lowest level since government data collection began in 1948. If you were working for a national survey organization doing a general public survey of young adults and older adults, what topics and questions would you design into you survey to elaborate on this finding.

In not less than 500 words and supported by references to at least 2 peer-reviewed sources and 1 biblical integration. References in APA format.


How should the researcher handle “don’t know” responses?

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