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COM 101_Communication Self-Assessment

In this assignment, you will be assessing how well you communicate. You will first take a communication quiz; then, you will provide a short reflection based on your quiz results.

Part 1: Take the Communication Quiz

  1. Go to http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCS_99.htm and take the communication quiz to measure your communication skills. ALREADY TOOK QUIZ
  2. Take a screenshot of your quiz results. Note: You will be submitting a screenshot of your quiz results along with your reflection. SCREENSHOT IS ATTACHED

Part 2: Review the feedback of your quiz results and create a refection discussing your results. You will write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you:

  1. Summarize the results of your communication quiz by keeping the following questions in mind:
    1. What kind of communicator did you believe you were prior to taking the quiz?
    2. After taking the communication quiz, what did the results tell you about how you really communicate?
  2. Provide a conclusion that discusses lessons learned after taking the communication quiz. Next describe three (3) characteristics of an effective communicator; then, suggest two (2) ways you can improve your own communication
  3. Use correct sentence mechanics, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style.
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