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Comment and annotate the paragraph, "Festinger's theory was based upon the assumption that cognitive dissonance is intensely uncomfortable for most humans. When confronted with such pain, we attempt t

Comment and annotate the paragraph, "Festinger's theory was based upon the assumption that cognitive dissonance is intensely uncomfortable for most humans. When confronted with such pain, we attempt to resolve the dissonance causing fact is as firm and unyielding as the continued existence of Chicago, there are only two basic approaches that one can take. First a person can reshape the belief to accommodate the fact or perhaps even discard the belief entirely. However, this would have been a very painful thing to do in this case, given how deeply held the belief was. The other alternative is to attempt to counter the weight of the oppressing fact by increasing one's conviction in the belief. Since this can't be done with facts it's done with people . Specifically festinger argued that once Mrs martins prophecy failed some of the cult members would try to solve their cognitive dissonance by strengthening social bonds within the group and by attempting to gain more supporters.  

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