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Company Chosen: AMAZON prepare a 10-page paper (3000 words) on ALL the themes in HRM mentioned below. *Please note that this assignment is worth 3o% of your final grade. *Please keep in mind that just

Company Chosen: AMAZON

prepare a 10-page paper (3000 words) on ALL the themes in HRM mentioned below.

*Please note that this assignment is worth 3o% of your final grade.

*Please keep in mind that just listing ideas will not get the full mark. The purpose of this assignment

is for you to practice analysing workplace cases and various HR themes.


 Training and Development, and Career Planning

 Performance Management

 Compensation Management

Part I:

This part of the assignment is a 1-2 pages brief overview of your project:

o The enterprise you have chosen this includes the name of the enterprise, a background

summary of the organization as well as their products. Please note that you have to assume

that your reader does not know the company. (e.g., just mentioning McDonald is and talking

about the themes will lose mark.) o Briefly explain the aim of your research o In addition

to providing reasons for why you chose this company. Please note that indicating “I like this

company” is not acceptable. You must provide logical reasoning.

*This part Can be done in bullet form, HOWEVER, all the elements mentioned above should be

addressed AND briefly explained. Just listing ideas will result in losing marks.

Part II:

This part of the assignment will cover the introduction, Enterprise Policies and Enterprise practices

and analysis:

o Introduction

• Teams should provide a brief description of the enterprise that have chosen

• Reasons for choosing it.

• Introduce the remained components of the report.

• o Enterprise Policies

• Teams should describe the policies of the ALL themes in enterprise of their

choice for instance, if you are working on Walmart, what policies Walmart have in

place regarding Human Resource planning. Please note, Strategies are different

from policies. Please avoid listing strategies. Keep in mind that copy pasting

from the company’s website on their policies will result in mark reduction.

The goal is for you group to read the policies and put them in your OWN WORDS.

Example: Walmart “Conflict Minerals Policy” which indicates that products

containing tantalum, tungsten or gold mined from Democratic Republic of the

Congo should be reported if the mining company supports human rights violation.

(Walmart, n.d.). This policy is related to Human rights theme of this report


o Enterprise Practices

• Teams should describe the practices of all the themes in enterprise of their choice.

Please do not just list ideas; you have to SUPPORT how your chosen company

practices by providing specific cases.

Example: Walmart is dedicated to upholding ethical behaviours and human

rights. Therefore, this company has the “conflict Minerals Policy”


n.d.) in place in which they asked X company to indicate the production of

item Y containing tantalum (Cite). In doing so, Walmart as an ethical

enterprise, is trying to make sure that no humans’ rights violation has

accrued during the production of item Y. (This is not a real case, just a



o Analysis

• You should write the ANALYSIS of the effectiveness of the ALL the themes in

supporting the enterprise’ business policies and practices.

• You also should ANALYZE how such policies and practices enable their chosen

enterprise to adopt to the disruptive and competitive business environment **Please

note that your report should be in APA style, therefore, failure to cite (i.e.

in-text citation) will result in mark reduction. **

Part III-

This part is the last section of your report, in which you will put all your information together:

o Executive Summary

• The research aims.

• The selected enterprise

• The way research was conducted (i.e., what kind of resources were used? Why?)

• What this report includes

** this section should be brief, no more than 200-300 words** o


• The whole research findings must be addressed briefly in 200-300 words


Sections Content Grades Comments

Executive Summary Research aim

Selected enterprise

The way the research is conducted

o Content of the



Introduction o A brief description of the chosen

Enterprise and reasons for

choosing the enterprise o Introduce

the remained concepts

of the report



Description Policies

o Describe the policies of all the themes in

the enterprise


Description: Enterprise


o Describe the practices of all the themes

in enterprise


Analysis o Analysis of effectiveness of all of the

themes in supporting the enterprise’

business strategies

o Enterprises’ ability to adopt to the

disruptive and competitive business



HRMT 620 Spring 2022

Conclusion Research findings must be addressed

briefly (200-300 words)


HRMT 620 Winter 2022

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