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You are assigned to assist as a special consultant to prosecutors of juvenile cases in your hometown. First, view the Judicial Council of California video in the Additional Resources.

You are assigned to assist as a special consultant to prosecutors of juvenile cases in your hometown.  First, view the Judicial Council of California video in the Additional Resources.  From each country in the textbook, select policies you would recommend to the court in handling juveniles cases.  Cover status crimes, minor crimes (misdemeanors) and felonies in your recommendations.  Produce a document that lists each category with the accompanying recommendation.

Assignment Parameters:

5-page minimum length Use APA style, including a title page and reference page (which do not count in the 5-page minimum length), and cite all sources.
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******** cases ***** to ***** of young *********** ***** ** ***** **** ******* ********** ** minors which ** ********* ** ****** it **** **** to * ***** ******** cases *** handled ** the juvenile ***** ****** **** **** ** ********** *** community ** ********* ******* ******* **** ******* ** the ****** ** ******** **** **** into adulthood *** justice ** ****** courts ***** ** be **** ****** regarding ****** ****** misdemeanors (minor crimes) ** **** felonies in *** ********


****** refer ** *********** offenses or ************ **** ** ******* away ** ******* ***** ** illegal to ****** **** ************ are crimes punishable ** to one year ** **** ***** ****** ** * local ****** instead of * high-security ****** * felony ** *** **** ******* offenses *** crimes punishable ** * ***** of law ** **** *** year **** ****** and **** ** *** ********* ** ****** such ** **** murder ******** *** ***** The ******** ***** system ** ******* *** ******** **** the ***** *** acts **** ** ******** ****** *** ******** has **** replaced ** robbery murder and **** cases Therefore ***** ** * **** *** *************** ** *** ***** on *** ******** ** *** ******** ***** ***** *** ********* ******* **** *** *****

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