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Compare and contrast financial and managerial accounting. Provide one specific, real-life example of how either financial accounting helps external stakeholders make informed decisions or how manageri

Compare and contrast financial and managerial accounting. Provide one specific, real-life example of how either financial accounting helps external stakeholders make informed decisions or how managerial accounting helps managers to improve operational and financial performance (i.e. what specific person in what specific company saw what specific information and used it to make what specific decision).Make sure this paper is written just like my instructions. Also the paper should be in APA 6th edition.And use in citation in the paper when you use someone else words.

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************** **** ***** * **** ******* the contrast and ********** ******* financial *** ********** ********** *** *** ****** *** two ********** reflect the ********* ******* *** **** **** **** ** ********** ********* *** managerial ********** *** ******* related *** mix **** but there ** * clear ********** ******* the ********************* ********* *** ********** AccountingWhen most ****** ******** ***** ** ********** at **** **** ***** ***** ********* ************** ********* *** ********** ********** exist to ******* ********** information ** users ********* accounting is concerned **** *** ************ of ********* ****** of ** organization ** its ******** and ******** ************ ** ********* the ********** ********* *** ******* ** ******* ********* *********** *** ******** *** ******** ************ comprise of ************ ***************** of ********* stockholders *** ***** investors Through ********** ********** **** information ** ******** *** provided to ****** ****** an ************ *** ******** *********** *** decision making ******** ********* ********** ***** ** *** ***** of ******** ************ and ********** ********** focus on *** needs ** internal ***** ******** **************** ******** from ********** ********** ** used to **** how ** ************ is actually run *** main focus ** ** the present *** forecasts of ******* and trends *** *** ****** ********* accounting ******* ** ******* data ** provide *** scorecard ** ******* the past *********** ** ** organizationThe **** *** ** ********* accounting ** ** organization is ** ******** its *** *** *** ********* condition ** * ******** date ********** ********** ********** focuses ********* ********** **** *********** *** planning ******* *** ********** goals ** ** **************** ********* *** managerial ********** *** * report format ** ******* accounting *********** ** internal and ******** ************ for review ********* ********** ******* *** *** ******** **** implies **** ************* *** legally required ** ******* *** ***** financial ********** ******* with ***** ********* The ******** ********* ******* ** ********* ********** *** * ******* ***** an ****** ********* * statement ** **** ***** *** a statement ** changes ** *************** equityReports ******** ** ********** ********** *** not ***** *** *** **** ************* ******** *** an ************ ******** 2006)Managerial ********** ******* **** ***** ** ** *** ***** ** organization *** ***************** accounting ** ******* out **** *** whole organization Reports *** ******** to give ********* information ** ** ****** ************ ******** ******* *********** *** be broken *** for ********** ***** ************ ***** On *** ***** hand ** **** focus ** ********** ********** is ********** *********** ** addition to *** whole organizationFinancial ********** ******** ** ********* accounting ****** ** issued ********* *** end of ** accounting period which *** ** annually semi-annually ********* ** yearlyManagerial ********** ******* are ****** **** **** ********** on * ***** ****** ** ******* ***** This ** ******* *** *********** provided ** ** great *** ** ******** can *** ** ***** awayAccording ** ******** ****** ********* accounting ********** must comply with the ***** set by ********** standards such ** GAAP ** **** ***** ************ are set *** ************* ** ****** ********* ********** ********* ********** ********** ********** ** not ******* ** legal ************ *** **** does *** **** ** ****** *** ********* ***** ******* *** **** used ********** ****** the organizationBoth financial *** ********** *** ********** *** widely ******** and recognized fields ** ********** Students *** ******** to attend **** ********* and ********** accounting ******** ****** being ******* **** * ****** in ************** ********* *** management ********** *** of ***** ***** ** ** organizations *** *********** *** therefore ******** to have *********** ********* ******** ****** have * ********* ****** ********** ***** *********** ** ***** ** ******** ********* ********** ***** who want ** ******** ********** ********** ****** ******* a ********* ********** ********** ***** *********** (Madison 2017)A **** **** ******* of *** ********** *** financial ********** helps ******** ******* *** *********** *** ********* *********** ** ** * ***** ******** *************** **** in *** ********** ** a ***** ************ ****** ** both ***** ** ********** ** obtainaccounting information A ********* ********** ******** **** financial *********** to **** ***** management in ****** ********* while ********** accountant provides ************* *********** oriented ******* ****** ****** *********** ****** further states **** services rendered ** *** ********* ********** are ******** ** *** ******** system ** *** ***** ************ ** encompasses the ********** ** ***** *** supplementary ******** books *** *********** ** ********* ******* ** *** ***** *** ********** ********** helps the ***** management ** ********* *** profitability ********* ** introducing new ******** ** the ***** *** ****** ***** ****** by **** ******** ****** *** the ********** in the ***** **** the best ***************** *********** **** ** ******** *** ***** ******** *********** ** the periodic ******* ******** and making *********** of *** ******* and ******** ******* **** also **** management with **** analyzed internal *********** ** the hotel ********** ** guide ** making ********* ***** the ****** ***** business eventsConclusionIn ********** *** **** ***** of ** ********** ** *** returns and ************** ** ********** ******* Financial *** Management accountants ****** focus ** finances generation ** ********* ******* for specific *** ** ***** and **** * ******** understanding of *** theory ** accountingReferenceIvana * ****** ********* ********** ****** ********** ********** ** the ***** ******** ****** ******* *** 16Williams * ******* ********* Managerial ********** **** ************** * (2017) ************ ******* ********** ********** ***** ******* ************* ***** ***** ***************** * ****** ********* and ********** ********** ** Introduction *** Edition ******* ********* **************** ***** ************************************************************************************************

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