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Competitive Advantage Describe how Porter's Five Forces impact your company? Be specific and address each force (5 points) Identify whether your company has a competitive advantage or disadvantage i

Competitive Advantage

Describe how Porter's Five Forces impact your company? Be specific and address each force (5 points) Identify whether your company has a competitive advantage or disadvantage in its primary industry. Does your company have difficulty adapting to changing industry conditions? Explain (3 points) Evaluate your company against each of the four genetic building blocks of competitive advantage: efficiency, quality, innovation and responsiveness to customers. What should your company do to improve its competitive position (6 points) Define cost leadership, differentiation and focus strategy. (2 points) How differentiated are the products or services of your company? What is the basis of its differentiated appeal? (2 points) Evaluate Miles and Snow's Adaptive Strategies and Porter's generic competitive strategies. Which model is your company following? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this business model? What strategy might be more effective? Minimum 1 page (6 points) Why is owning or running a fast food restaurant a difficult task from a strategic management perspective? Minimum 1 page. Be sure to include strategic management concepts and terms from the course (6 points)

Information useful for this assignment :

  • Read Chapter 6. ( from textbook: Coulter, M. Strategic Management in Action, 5th edition.)
  • View  Mgmt_4170_Unit_3 2021 aud.ppsx (PPT, TXT)
    • View supplemental PowerPoint: Chapter 6
  • Participate in College of Saint Scholastica discussion
  • Listen to YouTube video “Porter’s Five Forces" (
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