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Complete 1 page APA formatted article: Interactive Learning. I believe that experiencing the theories taught in school will enhance my understanding and might even help me to discover other things. Mo

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: Interactive Learning. I believe that experiencing the theories taught in school will enhance my understanding and might even help me to discover other things. Moreover, working with other students will be a means of sharing what they understood and could be a way of verifying what is not clear during class discussions. Watching is an easier and more interactive way of learning than just reading and listening to lectures so it is my aim to learn as much as I can from hands-on experiences by actively engaging myself with the activities.

Research is another field that could be interesting to learn from as it challenges individuals to think critically. Doing research with the faculty will not only open me to educational experiences but will also encourage me to share what I have in mind. This is an opportunity that I see could always drive me to study harder, learn and think more.

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