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Complete 1 page APA formatted essay: DB #3.My vision of higher education is to have a form of education that will be relevant to accomplishment of acts that will not only affect humanity positively bu

Complete 1 page APA formatted essay: DB #3.

My vision of higher education is to have a form of education that will be relevant to accomplishment of acts that will not only affect humanity positively but will also create environmental sustainability. In addition, these acts should be morally acceptable and having positive effects on the universe.

I do agree with David Orr’s proposition, education is supposed to help us take care of our environment, and understand the importance of knowledge and how to acquire it. In addition, he mentions that knowledge comes with a responsibility of ensuring that it is used constructively and morally.

Higher education is a very important component to the learner for several reasons. Firstly, it raises self-awareness by individuals. One is able to identify what they want to achieve and ultimately the type of work they would like to engage with. A number of options are available for an individual intending to engage in higher learning, their choices will definitely reflect on the type of work environment that they will get to.

Secondly, higher education provides the learner with a lot of exposure. The learner is able to meet other learners from different backgrounds as well as experienced and witty researchers and lecturers who will challenge them as well as exposing them to additional knowledge. Exposure to specific scholarly works in a particular area of study is also very

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