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Complete 1 page APA formatted essay: Nestle The Infant Formula Controversy.Download file to see previous pages... Lack of knowledge (education) does not allow violation of humans’ rights. From the v

Complete 1 page APA formatted essay: Nestle The Infant Formula Controversy.

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Lack of knowledge (education) does not allow violation of humans’ rights. From the very beginning, they should clearly inform customers about threats and negative impact of the product. A pack of cigarettes is the best example of such type of advertising informing their potential customers about a threat of cancer. Nobody can say that he/she does not know about the threat to be killed by smoking. On the one hand, Nestle should bring a message comprehensible to its customers to avoid accusation in “killing Third World babies”. The problem is that the level of education and personal development of mothers in Third World countries is very low. They believe in most things coming from advertising and promotion campaign. Nestle should print warning on each bottle. Nestle did not follow ethics and corporate responsibility, because it did not inform Third World mothers that the product cannot substitute breast milk and, if a mother has no problems with breast feeding, she should use “Nestle” only as additional feeding.

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