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Complete 10 page APA formatted essay: Production and operations management: A problem-solving and decision-making approach.Download file to see previous pages... Well the use of this technique has all

Complete 10 page APA formatted essay: Production and operations management: A problem-solving and decision-making approach.

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Well the use of this technique has allowed the Mobeen to speed up the delivery time enforce less human efforts. Reduced live cooking time Batch production reduces live cooking time, which helped the Mobeen to stay focused on the company objective and meet customers’ emerging needs. Increase in customers Batch production speeds up delivery process, which attracted more customer in the town thus resulted in increase in total number of customers. Greater profit Batch production allowed Mobeen to achieve higher level of profits by achieving high quality and efficient service. Just in time production JIT production strives for the organization to improve return on investment by producing as needed and by reducing the carrying cost of associated inventory. JIT management aims to best utilize production capacity of an organization by purchasing right set of raw materials, followed by producing right quantity of products at right time for the potential customer. The purpose of JIT management is to increase company’s performance by decreasing inventory levels, by encouraging smoother production flow in the work environment, and by lowering storage cost to minimum. these activities will help the company to decrease cost per unit to the minimum possible level. It allows the company to reduce number of quality rejects, capital expenditures, production time, and production of inventory to the optimum level. JIT management is an efficient concept to get the best out of efforts made. it synchronizes schedules, production, distribution and activity of sales which allows the firm to stay focused on the objectives and achieve best possible results (Gaither, 1984). This system helps the organization to meet demand as it arises. With advantages there are also some disadvantages attached with JIT management. firstly JIT ignores the effect of various conflicting demands in the environment, organizations do not work in isolated environment and are affected by the many external environment therefore JIT should understand the effect of environment on the organization as it fails to undertake this perspective. secondly the conceptual foundation of the JIT management is as old as the concept of organization, therefore it reflects an old idea to bring a change in the current modern setting which sounds quite unconvincing for organizations to adopt. thirdly benefits resulting from JIT management is limited when it is used in any other environment except from which it originates. 2) Flow/mass production is not appropriate in this case because Mobeen concept was operating in a niche market, mass production is adopted when a company is operating in large market and the company is targeting to diverse customers. Well the other major reason is the nature of product to be produced, as it is organic and perishable therefore mass production is not appropriate in the case. Mass production in this case could have been resulted in expiry of many products. 3) Mobeen’s aimed to achieve high levels of capacity utilization firstly allowed the restaurant to best utilize its resources which eventually resulted in high level of efficiency and effectiveness in work processes which increased the level of profits, secondly it allowed the restaurant to stay competitive in the market.

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