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Complete 10 page APA formatted essay: Quebec Tuition Hikes from Three Perspectives.From this study it is clear that the student protest is important to me because it is an assertion of our right to be

Complete 10 page APA formatted essay: Quebec Tuition Hikes from Three Perspectives.

From this study it is clear that the student protest is important to me because it is an assertion of our right to be educated.&nbsp. If the state will be left on its own without the student’s asserting this basic right of ours, education will be commercialized by its incessant tuition fee increase to the point that education will become a privilege and not a right.&nbsp. They will continue and will nourish this kind of system so that the ruling class will always prevail to further widen the gap between the haves and have nots by making education prohibitive to those who does not have the money to spend on education.This paper discusses that the mass action taken by the students are significant because it concretely shows that people are already angry at the system and if this will continue, it will not be far fetch that it will evolve into a&nbsp. revolt.&nbsp. One only has to look around, here in Canada and elsewhere around the world.&nbsp. We will see a wave of protest by the working and thinking class demanding social justice and equal fruits of their labor which toppled governments after governments which was long predicted by Marx.&nbsp. &nbsp.Soon enough, the prevailing order of government and society can no longer hold itself against the burgeoning demand of the people and the people will ultimately seize the government to govern themselves that truly we can have a government that is by the people and for the people.&nbsp.

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