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Complete 10 pages APA formatted article: Potential Exploitable Weakness in Terrorist Organizations.

Complete 10 pages APA formatted article: Potential Exploitable Weakness in Terrorist Organizations. By restricting the movements of terrorists out of their territory and domains to attack the United States or allies, terrorist attacks are curtailed enormously. The present article highlights the impact of disrupting terrorist travel and correlates the success attained as a potential exploitable weakness in terrorist organizations. Such restriction is considered as an important component of the counterterrorism program. The terrorist attack of 9/11 spotlighted the necessity to enhance the vigilance and alertness over all routes of travel system both national and international in order to refrain terrorist from gaining entry to accomplish their mal-intentions ("National Strategy To Combat Terrorist Travel", 2006). One of the chief and efficient weapons to fight terrorism is to restrict the mobility of terrorists. If the mobility of the terrorists is constrained a reduction in terrorist attacks could be observed. The 9/11 terrorist attacks brought to focus that there is a need to strictly advance the surveillance and control the travel either through domestic routes or international travel systems as a way to restrain the mobility or terrorist. The strategy was strictly followed after 9/11 by the US Government and has provided considerable success in attaining the set objectives. This was done by performing strict screening of every visitor to the United States. Further, the information bureau has improved the terms with foreign nations to enhance vigilance and security at the borders of the nations. These partner nations provide information about the terrorists to the United States in an appropriate and proficient manner.

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