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Complete 11 page APA formatted essay: Strategy choice and change.Changing the approach to organisational operations is therefore expected to have a direct impact on the organisational culture. In this

Complete 11 page APA formatted essay: Strategy choice and change.

Changing the approach to organisational operations is therefore expected to have a direct impact on the organisational culture. In this paper therefore, the change contexts at TED are analysed in relation to the culture of the organisation. As the change has already taken place, the appropriateness of the change process in relation to known change models will also be analysed. Three major models are used in doing this, including Kaleidoscope model, Johnson cultural web, and Kotter’s 8-step change model.

Based on the Kaleidoscope model given about, there are some aspects of change context that can be identified as enablers. These include power, readiness, preservation and capacity. The reason these are said to be enablers is because they have the potential of fostering the change process that was intended to happen. For example in terms of power, the fact that power was vested in the CEO to carry out desirable changes whilst maintaining organisational processes meant that issues of resistance to change was going to be minimal (Balogun & Hailey, 2009). Again, as noted by Christensen and Lærgreid (2002) readiness to change on the part of employees is a major determinant of success with change. Meanwhile, given the background to TED’s performance, before the coming of the new CEO, all employees appreciated the need for there to be change, which informed their readiness. In terms of preservation, even though the factors identified were downgrading, their mere existence gave the justification for why there needed to be change and so are considered as enablers. This is because Carnall (2013) argued that whenever negative contexts are identified, they serve as catalysts for speeding up the change process because no leader wants to continue working with such negative contexts in place. Lastly, the capacity at both individual and organisational levels

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