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Complete 12 pages APA formatted article: See blow. Managing diversity is indeed an art in the time and age of today, and more so with the changing global dynamics. The employees should always be on th

Complete 12 pages APA formatted article: See blow. Managing diversity is indeed an art in the time and age of today, and more so with the changing global dynamics. The employees should always be on their own as far as adherence to polices and structural changes are concerned. The long term, strategic changes are governed in a proper manner if it takes into consideration the strengths that diversity brings to the proverbial organizational table. It is thus a very important requirement that the top management understands its due role and solves the anomalies related with managing diversity within the workplace aegis (Cross 2000). What this will do is to look after the negativities attached with diversity and its very foundation basis. This paper explains the management art of diversity within a workplace scenario and has touched upon significant factors which play a huge role in the performance of diversity functions on a day to day basis.

Managing diversity has been deemed as important because it takes into perspective the pertinent roles of equality and balancing work ethos amongst the employees. Managing diversity is also important because it gives a fair chance to people who hail from different cultures and regions of the world to manifest their real selves. Their strengths work in their own favor and hence they work towards producing value for the organizations that they work for. This is an important consideration within the global dynamics of doing business because diversity has helped the people from different quarters to come to a single platform – a level where they can get in touch with one another to solve the commonalities which exist amongst them (Lambert 2007). Diversity will reign in serious results if it is a given a proper and fair run by the people who matter the most, i.e. the top management realms in an organization.

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