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Complete 12 pages APA formatted article: The UK and the European Union. The core values of the union are human dignity, democracy, democracy, equality, freedom, rule of law and respect for human right

Complete 12 pages APA formatted article: The UK and the European Union. The core values of the union are human dignity, democracy, democracy, equality, freedom, rule of law and respect for human rights. What began as an economic union has slowly evolved into an organization spanning different policy areas, such as development aid, environment among others. It was initially called the European Economic Community, but its name changed to the present one, which is the European Union.

The rule of law guides the EU in all matters and everything is based on treaties that Europe. are democratically and voluntarily agreed upon by all member states (European Union, n.d.). The EU has managed to come up with a single currency, the Euro that is used among the member states, help raise the living standards of the member states citizens, and has brought stability, peace, and prosperity. Through the standardized system of law, the EU has established a single market that is used by all member states. It has also removed border controls among EU nations which have made people travel freely among them. Additionally, it has made it easy to live and work among the nations when one is a citizen of one of the nations.

EU membership means the residents of existing EU states have the rights and privileges to live and work in the UK (Manners and Whitman, 2000). Countries, however, have the option of placing transitional limits on migration from other countries to the EU. During one of the recent council meetings, there was a divide about the UK’s relationship with the EU. Niblett states that it showed the growing division between the UK’s approach to its membership in the EU (2012). Since the council meeting, the disparity has widened rather than narrowing down. The Eurozone members that have joined the single currency period are joining forces to create and establish a new structure of financial and political integration that seeks to establish a Euro that is more stable. However, the UK is not part of this.

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