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Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Argument Analysis/Critical Response Paper.Detroit is a major manufacturing city, the home of the Big Three in the auto making industry and yet went bust due to glo

Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Argument Analysis/Critical Response Paper.

Detroit is a major manufacturing city, the home of the Big Three in the auto making industry and yet went bust due to global economic trends, fierce foreign competition through imports, and gross mismanagement. However, Gov. Synders proposal attracted attention because it is not a usual solution but something that is quite creative (NYT Editorial Board, para. 4).

The title of the article is quite catchy, as it encourages the reader to read through all of it instead of just skimming because it piques the interest in terms of probable suggestions or solutions to a big problem like Detroit. Its problem is multi-faceted and the immigration as suggested solution is a bit shallow at best. Even the editorial board admits this solution has a lot of holes in it which will not hold up to any intelligent debate. For one, it is discriminatory in the sense it grants visas to highly-skilled immigrants only although America as a country is built on the labor of everybody, including the nannies, fruit pickers, and blue-collar workers. A suggestion like this is bound to create more problems because the special visa is specific to one site only, in this case Detroit, and restricts the freedom of movement and abode.

However, as people like to say, unusual situations require unusual approaches. This is a clear case of thinking something out of the box because Detroit is now just a ghost city, so to speak. Its industries had been hollowed out by intense foreign competition and propensity of American businesses to outsource high-paying jobs to lower-paying countries elsewhere. It seems nothing worked before, so this proposal came along to revitalize an important city that used to symbolize the industrial might of America. Giving special visas is bound to anger the many Americans who are left jobless by the economic recession from the collapse of housing market from the speculative bubble, but then

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