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Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Case Analysis of Omega.As a result the bottom line corporate profits suffered in relation to a more efficiently structured performance management system. The measu

Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Case Analysis of Omega.

As a result the bottom line corporate profits suffered in relation to a more efficiently structured performance management system. The measures that follow constitute an in-depth analysis of the steps that were taken to develop a more efficient performance management system, as well as a recommendation on the means by which Omega, Inc. can continue to move towards a more efficient model.

The performance management system at the Omega corporation began with a training program designed to coach the sales professionals to a level of proficiency The individual subsidiaries then agreed and collaborated on the development of a performance management and evaluation system. The first step in the initiation of this system was to develop a thorough job description of the sale’s position and distribute it to the sale’s professionals at all the subsidiary branches. Furthermore, a mission statement was developed about the corporate aims and the intended goals of the sales professionals and distributed in the same manner as the job descriptions. The mission statement was also included prominently among the sale’s offices and meetings were held were subsidiary managers informed the sales professionals about the mission statement and company goals. In addition to these measures, formal performance management steps were taken to institute a performance evaluation program. Specific performance goals were set for each employee. The sales professionals were also required to attend thorough training sessions. During the training course the sales professionals received feedback about their performance. Feedback mechanisms were also instituted on the job as managers continued to inform the sales professionals of their performance. While these methods were a step ahead of the past method, they ultimately were unsuccessful as the sales professionals had no means of keeping track of their own

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