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Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Juvenile crime prevention.LifeSkills® Training is a classroom-based prevention program which is aimed at reducing the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and drugs by

Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Juvenile crime prevention.

LifeSkills® Training is a classroom-based prevention program which is aimed at reducing the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and drugs by young people aged 11-18 (Crime Solutions, 2014). The program is appropriate for both genders. The content of the program meets the demands of white population only. The content of the program has several important aims. It promotes healthy lifestyle, teaches student social and personal skills which can be helpful and provides a good background for social resistance to unhealthy behavior. The program has 5 components which include self-improvement, coping with anxiety, decision-making, social skills training and cognitive components. Stress on these 5 components influences young people complexly. After the program cigarette, alcohol and drug use among students drops. They become aware about the consequences of their actions and can resist peer-pressure which is common in any community (Crime Solutions, 2014). The National Health Promotion Associates&nbsp. provides appropriate training for all people who want to participate in this program in their community.&nbsp. Positive outcomes of the program make it very popular in different educational establishments for youth. These two programs are different in their content, target audience and strategies. LifeSkills® increases awareness among youth and teaches them t make right choices in their lives. Both programs are proved to be effective in juvenile justice for crime and delinquency prevention (Crime Solutions, 2014).

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