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Complete 3 page APA formatted essay: The Gods Must Be Crazy: Film Analysis.Download file to see previous pages... According to Morgan, verbal communication is the utilization symbols either spoken, wr

Complete 3 page APA formatted essay: The Gods Must Be Crazy: Film Analysis.

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According to Morgan, verbal communication is the utilization symbols either spoken, written or signs. For Bushmen, they used spoken or oral language rather than written. On the contrary, the modern society utilized spoken and written languages as evident in the scene where Kate Thompson is in the office. Further, the characters not only utilized verbal communication and non-verbal, such as facial expressions, gestures, etc. In the modern society, people know how to interpret time. As evident when the workers together with Kate Thompson saw the 8:00 o’clock time, everybody understands that it is time for them to go to work. This can be identified as chromatic or the study of the usage of time in non-verbal communication. Likewise, the Bushmen also used non-verbal communication. For instance, when the Bushmen argued about the Coca-Cola bottle which is considered as a scarce resource for them, tribe members were jealous of each other because all of them want to use it. Aside from that, there was a scene where the members quarreled because of the Coca-Cola bottle, which is very obvious in their eyes that they are angry. Likewise, when Xi decided to throw the coca-cola bottle since it only created chaos to the group, it can be noticed that members are very sad. All of those eye movements can be classified as oculesics in non-verbal communication.According to Morgan, verbal communication is the utilization symbols either spoken, written or signs. For Bushmen, they used spoken or oral language rather than written....

There are a number of significant contrast of behaviors in the film. According to Lindsay, perception can influence communication and return communication also influence perception (105). The first disparity between the two cultures is that, in the modern society, Kate is considered as beautiful or attractive with her physical features, cute face, skinny body, and blonde hair. However, when the Bushman saw Kate, she was perceived as a hideous creature he has seen. Another example of difference of perception is when Mr. Stein jumps over Kate to warn her about the animals that are coming towards her. Kate’s perception is that Stein attempts to rape her which is wrong. In this manner, perception inaccuracies really affect communication. Furthermore, misinterpretations because of cultural differences are evident in the film. Intercultural conflict occured when the Bushman was jailed for killing the goat. For the culture of modern society, it is a violation of animal act, but for Bushmen, it is just a away to acquiring food for themselves and for their families. However, the conflict was resolved since the modern society understands that the Bushman is not guilty. This conforms to Rothwell’s assumption that the fundamental of conflict management is flexibility (135). Moreover, the characters display ethnocentrism as proof, modern society arrested the Bushman and imposed their own laws to other culture. Additionally, it can be observed that the modern society’s cultural worldview is individualism while in Bushmen’s culture. it can be observed that the Kalahari tribe stressed out the importance of cohesion of groups which can be identified as collectivism (Morgan 141).

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