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Complete 4 page APA formatted essay: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.Download file to see previous pages... Failed to solved the problem within can cause fear or anger and self-defeating or damaging beha

Complete 4 page APA formatted essay: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

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Failed to solved the problem within can cause fear or anger and self-defeating or damaging behavior.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy helps to change the problem of bad thinking and doings of one patient. These therapy changes the feeling better rather than other treatments used to treat patients. It focuses in the causes of the behavioral problems and treats to improve the state of mind.

According to the study of "Whittal ML, Thordarson DS, McLean PD et.al", (see superscripts and endnotes) Cognitive therapy postulates that certain thinking patterns can cause symptoms by creating a distorted picture of the world around us and our place within it, causing anxiety, depression or anger or provoking injudicious or inappropriate actions.

Behavior therapy helps weaken the connections between troublesome situations and habitual reactions to them. These include fear, depression or anger and self-defeating or self-damaging behavior. It also teaches the patient how to calm the mind and body, to feel better, think more clearly, and make better decisions.

The nature of therapy: Cognitive therapy is focused on the present rather than delving far back, focused by being limited in time and oriented towards solving problems. Much of what the patient does is to solve current problems. They also learn specific skills that they can use for the rest of their lives. Then they learn to change their distorted thinking, to think more realistically and they feel better. There is consistent emphasis on solving problems and initiating behavioral change. Setting goals is an important feature. These goals may relate to work, relationships or just eliminating bad habits. Goals include learning skills to cope.

Before therapy starts an assessment is usually made by means of a questionnaire. These are discussed in recognizing and screening for depression in primary care. One of the most frequently used is the Beck inventory to assess feelings of depression, anxiety and hopelessness. The patient and therapist set an agenda for topics to be covered. Therapy involves a combination of problem-solving and assessing the validity of the patient's thoughts and beliefs in the troublesome situation. New skills are learned.

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