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Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: Terrorism and Fundamentalism. As religious fundamentalism continues to affect the modern urban terrorism in America, it may mean that the religious groups will

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: Terrorism and Fundamentalism. As religious fundamentalism continues to affect the modern urban terrorism in America, it may mean that the religious groups will have to convert their faith and pledged their allegiance to a central religious leader. Again, a perfect demonstration of this is the Middle Eastern terrorist groups which are fueled by religious faith and religious fundamentalism (Pedahzur, &amp. Weinberg, 2009). Once the terrorist's groups are minced with religious fundamentalism, the cause of war and terrorism will change for these groups because they will now be dealing with a different calling. Religious fundamentalism leads to a following by people who may not even comprehend what they are standing for and, therefore, it is likely to increase the enrolment in these groups and make it harder for security agencies to curb these terrorist groups. To begin with, religion is always shrouded in mystery and in most cases dogma. As religious fundamentalism comes into the picture, religious dogma will play a crucial role in try to ensure that the followers are well contained, and they can keep their lives at risk to fight for because they do not even understand (Reed, p.45). Religious fundamentalism as a medium for terror groups has more power, and as the urban model gets enshrouded by this fundamentalism, it will be easy for the groups to now come up with ways to gain strength. A good example of how religious fundamentalism can increase the strength of terror groups is the roman Christina crusades which lasted for over 400 years.

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