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Complete 41 page APA formatted essay: Are Human Beings Co-Creators.Download file to see previous pages... A theological work starts with description of a method through which analysis and discussion o

Complete 41 page APA formatted essay: Are Human Beings Co-Creators.

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A theological work starts with description of a method through which analysis and discussion occurs. In the present paper the point of discussion and analysis is about the creator or co-creator status of human beings from the theological perspective. The important method necessary in this paper will be narration that makes the reader to understand the task of theology as well as addressing the human concerns of ultimate reality. According to Abdul-Masih, Marguerite (2001), opines that the scientific reasoning as well spiritual analysis is important in discussing or analyzing the topic. The philosophical reasoning should accompany the reasoning mentioned above. However, too much demanding of scientific evidence may distort theological arguments.

In order to discuss the creative nature or creator status of human beings, the definition of creator is important and that decides the course of discussion and analysis. In defining creator, there exists two types of definitions. one being understood by materialistic proofs and other that is not possible to understand under materialistic or physical laws that govern the 3 dimensional worlds. Hence, let us take creator as the entity that can produce everything from nothing and the other, which can create things from some other matter that already exists. The former definition has no materialistic proof and human beings can create nothing from nothing. The understanding of truths depends on contemporary technology and thus the aspects of theology changes from time to time. The aspects of theology even depend on technical terminology that define mortal/venial sin, angels etc. The understanding of creation or creator depends at the heart and mind of the faithful people as well as their scope of understanding. When the sensitivity of spirit comes to the fore, the foundations of faith, experience of grace etc are important and discussion as well as analysis takes the above aspects into consideration. Hence, the analysis and discussion in this paper will take into consideration the value for the creators and the utility of creation. It is better to start the paper with discussion of human dignity that is associated with creation (Pekarske, Daniel T (Author), 2002).

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