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Complete 5 page APA formatted essay: Worldview Integration and Reflection.Download file to see previous pages... According to the views of the positivists, the facts which generally originated from ex

Complete 5 page APA formatted essay: Worldview Integration and Reflection.

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According to the views of the positivists, the facts which generally originated from experiments as well as clarifications could be regarded as the actual truth and hence rejected all the discussions related to values as being worthless or non-cognitive chats (Harris, “A Summary Critique of the Fact/ Value Dichotomy”).

Modern society is basically characterized by a sharp disintegration between the sacred and secular fields where both the aspects of work as well as business has been identified to be strictly secular. It is because of this fact, Christians are often found to exist in two separate worlds varying in terms of the private world of family and church as well as the public world. This dichotomy tends to pose a profound impact upon the personal lives of the people. It is to be mentioned in this regard that by identifying a universal perspective that combines the secular as well as sacred aspects into a single framework, it becomes easier to break free from dichotomies thereby limiting God’s power in the lives of people. It is quite significant to reject the division of life into a sacred sphere which has been restricted to worship and personal morality against the secular realm that comprises politics and other general aspects related to the public (Pearcey 20). 2. How Would You Make The Case That Christianity Alone Gives A Complete And Consistent Account Of Reality? The statement that Christianity relates to total reality implies that this religion provides a comprehensive perception of the world. This further implies that Christianity tends to offer the view of the world. It further signifies a biblical conversant view over reality. A worldview is almost similar to the mental map which guides human beings regarding the ways of living an effective and meaningful life. It is assumed that with the help of these views Christians are capable of comprehending and pursuing their faith in the world thereby, fulfilling the cultural consent (Pearcey 20). Nancy Pearcey states the fact that most of the Western cultures have been monitored by a dualism that tends to separate the public sphere from that of the private one. Such dualism has been known to demote the Christian worldview to the sphere of private values and holds no stake with regard to the public aspects where general strategies are made. Hence, it can be observed that Christianity has been incapable to spread over a wider arena. The chief reasons behind this have been the fact that Christianity in the public sphere has been evaluated in terms of rationality. Christianity usually depend more upon facts instead of focusing upon the related values.

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