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Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Critic of the Decipherment of Linear A.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Critic of the Decipherment of Linear A. The central thrust of Rendsburg’s article is that the Minoan Linear A inscriptions are Semitic, meaning that they are closely linked to Ugaritic (Rendsburg, 1982). Rendsburg argues that any individual with significant knowledge on Minorca, classics, Semitics Mediterranean archaeology will straight away come to the conclusion that such a statement is nothing new or revelational, instead only in agreements with Cyrus H. Gordon’s work in the last quarter of the 20th century (Rendsburg, 1982). Nevertheless, when it was disclosed that the material presented is basically the same as the one presented by Gordon, and yet his study was uncited, and that the additional material was unscholarly presented, one cannot remain silent. Rendsburg’s article is split into four sections, which include: (1) Yassaram. (2) Cretan Writing: Origins. (3) Nochmals Yassaram. and finally (4) Von Linear A Zu Linear B (Rendsburg, 1982). Rendsburg begins this article by delving into the origins of Cretan writing arguing that some Linear A signs were derived from Egyptian hieroglyphs, which several come from Sumer-Akkadian cuneiform signs and others have their equivalent ancestral symbols (Rendsburg, 1982). Rendsburg generally discusses the phonetic and orthographic of Linear A and B. He proposes that the two Linears are, in essence, abbreviations for Semitic words for clothing, particularly Akkadian zuluhhu and hurt. Rendsburg discusses how over a hundred Linear A signs (Rendsburg, 1982). He says that they are believed to represent ideographic, syllabic, as well as semantic values, in a way comparable to Linear B (Rendsburg, 1982). Whereas many of those assumed to be syllabic signs are similar to ones in Linear B, roughly 80% of Linear As logograms are distinctive. the dissimilarity in sound values between Linear A and B signs vary from 9% to 13%. However, even if the article seems educative, there are a number of critics that can be seen from it (Rendsburg, 1982).

There are many problems with Rendsburg’s suggestions. Rendsburg presents only six cases of Linear A signs that he argues derive from cuneiform signs: pa, na, te, ni, du, and pe. First, it must be affirmed that only Linear A pa, di, te, and pe are comparable to their presumed cuneiform forebears.

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