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Complete 6 page APA formatted essay: Reflective Essay.Download file to see previous pages... Goodman (19984) identifies three levels of reflection (level 1-3). At level 1 reflection is largely a descr

Complete 6 page APA formatted essay: Reflective Essay.

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Goodman (19984) identifies three levels of reflection (level 1-3). At level 1 reflection is largely a descriptive account of what happened and the part the nurse played in this. Largely a descriptive account of what happened and the part the nurse played in this. There is a minimal exploration of health care professional's feelings but little beyond this. At level two students will be expected to identify their learning. And draw conclusions about patient care that are transferable to other situations. Students will need to demonstrate their own knowledge base by applying theory to practice and analysing theory in the light of practice. Finally third level reflection acknowledges wider ethical and political resources. This equates with Taylor (2000) issues of reflection: technical at level 1, practical at level 2 and emancipatory at level 3.

This personal reflection of a client profile looking at history taking and physical exam, diagnostic tests, diagnoses and appropriate management/ treatment and referral will be interpreted using the Gibbs and Johns models. These methods will demonstrate evidence based on practice/ best practice and interprofessional/ collaborative working.

The models wsere applied to a patient experiencing pain. ...


(What sense can you make of the situation)


Cue Questions

1. Descriptions of the experience

Phenomenon - describe the here and now experience

Causal - what essential factors contributed to this experience

Context- what are the significant background factors to this experience

Clarifying- what are the key processes (for reflection) in this experience

The models wsere applied to a patient experiencing pain. Given the framework of thee Gibbs and Johns models the following steps werew used when vdealing with the patient. A. Core questions to be answered as part of a pain assessment:

What is the type or category of pain

Is there a primary cause of the pain

What additional factors are contributing to the pain

Are treatments available for the primary cause of the pain

Are treatments available for the additional factors which contribute to the pain

Are there other medical or psychosocial conditions which should influence the choice of treatment

B. The methodology of the pain assessment:


Past medical history

Current medications

Physical examination

Special tests

Psychological evaluation

Differential diagnosis


A. What is the type or category of pain 8

1. Nociceptive Pain --

This is the typical pain that we have all experienced. It is the signal of tissue irritation, impending injury, or actual injury. Nociceptors in the affected area are activated and then transmit signals via the peripheral nerves and the spinal cord to the brain.

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