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Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Causes and Effects of Stress. The website indicates that work stress is likely to manifest by instability within the family. As a result of the s

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Causes and Effects of Stress. The website indicates that work stress is likely to manifest by instability within the family. As a result of the stressing circumstances at the workplace, people are likely to extend such at home by being very arrogant to the family members, uncontrolled anger, increased temper and communication barriers (work, 2014). Parents who are stressed at work are likely to abuse their children and unable to understand their needs leading to their poor growth and development.

Wrong career

In their book, Vrijkotte and others said those wrong career choices can lead to a lot of stress as well as an inability to perform at the workplace. One can know if they made wrong career choices when they are unable to enjoy their work and lack of contentment in whatever they are doing (Vrijkotte, Van Doornen, & De Geus, 2000). Lack of satisfaction from the job is another factor that shows wrong career choices. One need to choose a career that matches their skills and interest in order to avoid the stress associated with a given work.


Russell said that unemployment is indeed a very stressful experience as one has to struggle with many issues in a bid to ensure that life continues despite the present situation. A job gives people identity, they influence how we see ourselves and how we are perceived by other people. Apart from the inability to meet the financial demands, unemployment leads to low self-esteem and self-confidence, loss of social class with who to identify and associate with (Russell, J.2013).

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