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Complete 7 page APA formatted essay: Current System of Ambulance Services.Download file to see previous pages... As the report declares Hazards, that are thought to be potential risks that endanger hu

Complete 7 page APA formatted essay: Current System of Ambulance Services.

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As the report declares Hazards, that are thought to be potential risks that endanger human life, are common almost everywhere in Saudi Arabia. In cases whereby these occasions do not lead to incidents, they are popularly referred to as emergencies. These events are normally the results of human factors, environmental hazards, as well as natural causes. Vulnerability of any given country can be measured or gauged in terms of how the country is ready or prepared to respond to these disasters whenever they happen. The purpose of the research project proposed here will be to assess the Saudi Arabian Ambulance Trust in terms of its preparedness and thereafter make suggestions on areas that need additional training.

According to the research findings an emergency response unit of any given country is very important when it comes to saving lives at a time of a disaster. A clear understanding of the Ambulance trust unit which is under emergency response unit is therefore important for the purpose of preparedness. Currently, the Saudi Arabian ambulance trust is composed of a system of ambulance services that offer quick response in case when called upon. There is however a need to understand how well these systems are prepared to cater for all needs in an emergency situation. In cases where there is need for improvement, appropriate recommendations have also to be made to ensure that the system can be improved where necessary. Literature Review According to (James, 2010), whenever a life threatening situation is faced by human beings in Saudi Arabia, the time taken by an ambulance service provider to get to the scene is quite critical. This is because it determines a number of things including whether life would be saved or not. Various planning methods have been put in place by the government to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of the service. (James, 2010) argues that for any given year, more than one million times of ambulance services are sought for in Saudi Arabia to attend to emergency situations. In any given emergency situations therefore, an ambulance is needed at least not later than 15 minutes from the time the emergency occurs. So as to realize such effectiveness of an ambulance service system in Saudi Arabia, (Katherine, 1990) proposes that there is a need to ensure proper planning and channeling of the system. There are however complexities that are associated with this because of all the uncertainties that accompany ambulance planning.

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